A Late Night Visitor

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As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Han palace, Prince Huhanye and Zhao returned to their chambers, exhaustion weighing heavily upon their shoulders after a long day of travel.

Prince Huhanye: (softly) Zhao, are you alright?

Zhao offered him a tired smile, her eyes reflecting the weariness that lingered in her bones.

Zhao: (wearily) I'm fine, Prince Huhanye. Just... tired.

Prince Huhanye's heart clenched with concern as he watched her sink onto the edge of the bed, her movements slow and deliberate.

Prince Huhanye: (gentle) Here, let me help you.

With practiced ease, he guided her towards the bed, his touch gentle yet reassuring as he tucked the blankets around her form.

Zhao: (grateful) Thank you, Prince Huhanye.

As they settled into their shared quarters for the night, a sense of unease settled over the room, the air thick with unspoken tension and unresolved emotions.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the chamber, interrupting the quiet stillness of the night. Prince Huhanye's brow furrowed with confusion as he rose from the bed, crossing the room to answer the door.

Prince Huhanye: (curtly) Who is it?

The door swung open to reveal Wu, his expression grave as he met Prince Huhanye's gaze with a mixture of determination and defiance.

Wu: (steadfast) It's me, Prince Huhanye. I need to speak with Zhao.

Prince Huhanye's jaw tightened with irritation at the intrusion, his jealousy flaring to life at the sight of Wu standing before him.

Prince Huhanye: (icily) What do you want, Wu?

Wu's gaze softened with regret as he turned to face Zhao, his eyes pleading for understanding as he spoke.

Zhao: (confused) Wu? How did you get in the palacae?

Wu: I'm now a royal physician in the palace.

Zhao: I see. Well, what are you doing here so late at night?

Wu: (urgently) Zhao, I'm sorry to intrude, but I had to see you. I... I want to help you, Zhao. I want to find a way to get you back home, where you belong.

Zhao's heart swelled with gratitude at Wu's words, her eyes shining with tears as she reached out to him.

Zhao: (emotionally) Wu... thank you. But I can't ask you to risk everything for me.

Wu's expression softened with affection as he took her hand in his, his gaze unwavering as he confessed his deepest desires.

Wu: (earnestly) Zhao, I've loved you for as long as I can remember, from the first time I met you in the forest. I would do anything for you, even if it means sacrificing everything I have. Please, let me help you.

As Prince Huhanye looked on, his heart clenched with jealousy and insecurity, his mind whirling with doubts and fears.

Prince Huhanye: (desperately) Zhao, you can't trust him. 

Zhao's brow furrowed with confusion as she turned to face Prince Huhanye, her eyes searching his for answers.

Zhao: (uncertainly) Prince Huhanye, what do you mean?

Prince Huhanye's jaw tightened with frustration as he struggled to find the right words to express his feelings.

Prince Huhanye: (urgently) Zhao, you don't need him. I... I care about you deeply. I will protect you, and keep you safe. Please, don't listen to him.

As the tension between them reached a boiling point, Zhao felt torn between the conflicting desires of her heart—between the familiar comfort of her past and the uncertain promise of her future.

Zhao: (torn) I... I don't know what to do.

Prince Huhanye's patience wore thin as Wu persisted in his plea, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

Prince Huhanye: (firmly) Wu, it's late. My wife is tired. You need to leave.

Wu: (Hurriedly) Wait, no!

And with that, Prince Huhanye closed the door on Wu, shutting out the lingering echoes of the past and the uncertain whispers of the future.

With a heavy heart, Zhao sank onto the bed, her mind swirling with doubts and fears as she wrestled with her emotions.

Prince Huhanye: (softly) Zhao, you don't have to decide right now. Just... rest. We'll talk more in the morning.

As Zhao closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, Prince Huhanye's gaze lingered upon her form, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken truths and unresolved emotions.

Prince Huhanye: (whispering) I won't let anyone come between us, Zhao. I promise.

And as he watched over her in the quiet darkness of the night, he vowed to keep his word, no matter the cost. For he knew, deep in his heart, that he would do anything to keep Zhao by his side, now and forever.

The soft morning light bathed the palace gardens in a warm golden hue as Prince Huhanye and Zhao strolled side by side, the gentle rustle of leaves and the sweet scent of blossoms filling the air.

Prince Huhanye: (softly) Zhao, there's something I need to ask you.

Zhao turned to face him, her eyes bright with curiosity as she awaited his question.

Zhao: (curiously) What is it, Prince Huhanye?

Prince Huhanye's gaze softened with sincerity as he took her hands in his, his heart laid bare before her.

Prince Huhanye: (earnestly) Do you trust me, Zhao? Do you trust me enough to return to Xiongnu with me, to stay as my wife?

Zhao's heart swelled with emotion at his words, her doubts and fears melting away in the warmth of his unwavering love.

Zhao: (emotionally) Yes, Huhanye. I trust you with all my heart. Our marriage is more than just a union between two people—it's a symbol of peace and unity between our kingdoms. I will go back with you, for the sake of our people and our future together.

A smile tugged at the corners of Prince Huhanye's lips as he drew her into his arms, his embrace a silent promise of protection and devotion.

Prince Huhanye: (tenderly) Thank you, Zhao. You won't regret this, I promise. I will take care of you, now and always.

As they prepared to depart for Xiongnu, Zhao's heart grew heavy with the weight of farewell, her thoughts turning to Wu and the memories they had shared.

Zhao: (softly) Prince Huhanye, I need to say goodbye to someone before we leave.

Prince Huhanye nodded in understanding, his gaze filled with empathy as he followed her lead, his hand a steady presence at her side.

Zhao searched the palace grounds until she found Wu, his expression a mixture of sadness and resignation as he met her gaze.

Zhao: (sadly) Wu... I... I want to thank you for everything. For teaching me about herbs, for sharing your knowledge and your kindness with me. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

Wu's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he reached out to touch her cheek, his voice choked with emotion.

Wu: (gently) Zhao... I'll never forget you. Our memories together will always be a cherished part of my life.

With a heavy heart, Zhao turned to leave, her footsteps echoing in the silence of the palace gardens as she bid farewell to the past and embraced the uncertain promise of the future. And as she walked away, her heart heavy with sorrow and regret, she knew that she carried with her the weight of her choices and the echoes of a love that could never be.

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