The Beginning of a New Adventure

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Third POV: It was the last day of summer and Marcy could not feel any more tragic, as she woke up she could only think of three things.

First was that she was now going into collage and had to be more prepared then ever.

Second was that she would have to leave her parents which was not a problem since her parents were always working day and night.

Last however is what she would have to tell Anne, her best friend and now her crush.

She would always have butterflies in her stomach, or blush when Anne held or even touched her hand.

Marcy could not help but blush into her pillow asking herself why did she have to fall for her best friend, who, she is sure does not feel the same way.

Yet this was not her biggest concern as she would have to tell Anne about the bad news, that they were going to different collages.

Marcy could not help but feel a little enraged, as her parents signed her up for a different collage without her permission, while their excuse was that it had the best education.

Yet Marcy calmed herself down, after all how could she call her parents out even though they are not even here.

She always thought about calling them, but it was always the other way around, anytime she called them she would ALWAYS get voice mail.

Always hearing the same excuse of "sorry Mr. Wu or Mrs. Wu is busy right now call again later" which made Marcy laughed at especially at the "later" part "should have been never" Marcy said under her breath.

Saying it louder so the whole house could hear it "SHOULD HAVE BEEN NEVER!" Marcy screamed waiting for a response, yet to no avail.

"Of course" Marcy said to herself before getting up brushing her teeth and getting ready for the day.

She headed to the stairs starring at them for way longer then she should, before taking her first step and then falling down every single step.

Bam, Thud, Crash is all that could be heard throughout the whole house.

At the bottom Marcy could not help but let out a dreadful sigh.

She still could not believe that after 16 years she still could not get by her tripping habits.

Yet Marcy made her way to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

"One Breakfast Later."

Marcy then heard a knock on her door, leaving her to get up to see who it is.

"Who is it?" Marcy said before opening the door, as then she froze seeing who was in front of her.

It was no other then Anne Boonchuy, her best friend and her only crush, leaving Marcy to shut the door fast and blush instantly.

Making Marcy wonder what on earth is Anne doing here, before she realized what she just did, and reopening the door at lighting speed which made Anne confused and made Marcy wonder, when was she this good at opening and closing doors.

"umm hey?" Is all Anne could say which Marcy could 100% understand why, after all its not everyday your best friend slams a door in your face.

"sorry Anne I panicked I had no idea you would be here." Marcy said quickly before it got any weirder.

"It's okay." Anne said to Marcy reinsuring her

"To be honest it's kinda of my fault, you know for not telling you that I was coming." Anne said rubbing the back of her neck.

"I just wanted to surprise you that's all, sorry you didn't like it." Anne said a little quieter so Marcy could barely hear it.

"Anne to matter what you do I will always love you" Marcy said under her breath, to quiet for Anne to hear.

"What was that?" Anne said swiftly, swearing to herself that she heard Marcy say something.

"N..N..NOTHING!" Marcy said quickly making her flustered and Anne laugh at Marcy's sudden freak out, adoring how cute she was when she was flustered.

"ANYWAYS!" Marcy said quickly trying to change the subject away from her sudden burst at Anne.

"what are you doing here Anne?" "usually when you want to hang out you would call me?" Marcy mentioned looking at Anne for the answer.

"Well to be honest it got two reasons, wanna hear them?" Anne replied waiting back for Marcy's

"Of course Anne Banana." Marcy said with a cheerful smile.

"Okay well the first reason was because I forgot, But the second reason is because I wanted to celebrate are new life in collage, OMG I hope we both get the same dorm room, then we could do so much like how I could paint your nails or you can paint mine and we could..." Anne continue to go on and on.

While Marcy's face went down the more Anne went on.

"Anne?" Marcy said trying to catch her attention, after all if their was anytime to break the news it would have to be now.

"Then we could do prank calls, OMG you can even show me your favorite games... Anne... Then we could watch scary movies then...ANNE!" Marcy said with a uproar quickly making Anne snap out of her monologue to see Marcy putting both her hands of her shoulders and her breaking down in tears.

"Marcy what's going on why are you crying is everything okay, are you hurt?" Anne said with a concerned look on her face."

"No I'm not hurt the thing is...." But before Marcy could finish telling Anne why she was crying, her phone started to vibrate.

Marcy quickly took her hands off of Anne, digging her hands into her pockets to retrieve her phone to see who was calling her.

"So who is it." Anne said still wondering what was making Marcy cry.

Marcy quickly turned to face Anne and tell her who it was

"Its my mom..."


PS: I have school and homework so posts are going to be hard but I hope that I will finish this story ILYA for reading this <3 

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