Chapter 38: Bed of Roses

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"So, this isn't exactly an engagement ring...but a 'promise ring'?" Amelia said showing off the promise ring Will gave her. "I don't believe I've heard of such a thing," Madeleine said looking closer at Amelia's scarred hand that she held up, her blue eyes focused on the metal circle wrapped around the American girl's tiny finger.

Amelia noticed how Madeleine's lovely brow wrinkled with sadness at the sight of her marked hand, forever branded by the violence from her father.

"Yes...last night, Will asked me to share a vow with him. He swore to be faithful to me after we're parted when he leaves next week... and for us to always love each other and find one another again." Amelia gulped back a coming sob as she looked down at the tied chain woven on her hand, a smile forming on her lips. "I honestly don't think I'll be ready for something like marriage for a long time... Will and I have only met barely a month ago, but I feel like I've known him my whole life."

"My dear Amelia, I know Will hasn't always had the most confident luck with girls. But I swear I've never seen him around any of them the way he is with you." Madeleine traced her fingertip over the metal makeshift ring on Amelia's hand. "A love like yours is a rare one. You've brought him back to the way he was before he enlisted. Just the way he looked at you when he introduced us at the train station...before he even said your name, I knew you were the woman he described in his letters."

A warm blush colored Amelia's cheeks as Madeleine twirled her wedding band around her ring finger both women stood on the front porch and watched the playful scene before them.

Will, Eleanor, and Edith ran about the yard, both little girls tackling the tall man to the ground in a lighthearted wrestle. They wore new dresses their uncle had bought for them in London that were already soiled from rolling around on the grass, the ribbons on their heads hanging loose from the children's hair.

Amelia's heart swelled at the sight of the man she loved playing with his darling nieces, his contented laugh echoing in the air. He crawled on all fours as the girls climbed onto his back like they were mounting a horse. Will suppressed a groan of discomfort as their slight weight sat upon the scars covering his back underneath his clothes.

The American woman opened her mouth to protest the girl's roughhousing on him when Madeleine beat her to it. "Girls, your Uncle Will is getting tired. Enough playing; it's time for your homework before supper."

"But, Mummy..." Eleanor began to whine as she pulled Edith back onto the ground and they both slid off of him.

"Young lady, don't argue. Come along now." Madeleine walked toward the girls as Will stood up from the grass, stretching out his towering form. The stern, yet loving Englishwoman lifted Eleanor into her arms as Will did the same with Edith, adult siblings carrying the girls into the house.

Eleanor pouted as she laid her head on Madeleine's shoulder and was taken inside. Will met Amelia's eyes as they stood on the porch and he softly smiled at her, which she returned. His hands were full carrying Edith, so Amelia settled by reaching up to place her hand upon his cheek, allowing him to feel the "promise ring" on her finger, the cool metal chain against his skin.

An exhausted Edith stirred against her uncle as she was adjusted in his arms and he rocked her ever so gently against his chest like she was his child. He absentmindedly stroked her tangled hair as Amelia looked adoringly at the image of him holding his niece with such care.

Something in the back of her mind, similar to Tom's voice, told her that he would be an amazing father one day with offspring of his own. As for Amelia herself, she couldn't imagine being a mother anytime soon.

They had a thousand other things to consider before even entering the idea of a family or marriage...

She saw the newly repaired watch on his wrist shining in the evening light, which Amelia could consider as her token of devotion to William Schofield.

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