Hot Heads

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Request: no

Pairing/s: Katsuki Bakugo X Reader, Izuku Midoriya X Reader, Izuku Midoriya X Katsuki Bakugo

Warnings: BAKUDEKU DONT LIKE DONT READ PERIODT, polyamorous relationship, more cussing than usual, ig

Title: "Hot Heads"

(I feel like I'm getting less and less creative with these damn titles lmao)

"Kacchan, that's mean!" Izuku scolded lightly at the blonde haired boy.


"She wouldn't move out of my damn way! Bitch just stood there and looked at me!"


"Katsuki, quiet down, babes, people are trying to sleep," you rolled your sleepy eyes.


You were curled up to Katsuki's arm while Izuku had his head in his lap, your fingers dragging through the mess of green hair.


Wheel of Fortune reruns played in the background, now abandoned as the three of you focused solely on each other.


You looked at Katsuki with a soft smile. "Izu's right, Katsuki. That isn't nice,"


He looked at you with an eyebrow raised and a scowl on his face. And you giggled and kissed his cheek.


He rolled his eyes and looked away, embarrassed.


Izuku chuckles and pokes his nose gently with his index finger, gaining yet another eyeroll in the process.


Izuku sighed as your finger brushed lightly against his scalp.


"Do we have any plans to tell them anytime soon?" Izuku spoke up after a minute or two of silence.


"Like, the class. They only think that Y/n and I are together. That doesn't seem fair to you, does it Kacchan? You don't feel even the slightest bit of weird for not telling them about the three of us?" Izuku frowned slightly.


Your face dropped slightly before you remembered something.


"Yeah, aren't Jiro, Kaminari, and Shinso all together too? It's not like they'd judge us or anything, right?"


"We're the only ones that know about them, dumbass," Katsuki sighed and rested his head against the headboard of his bed comfortably.




It was quiet for a moment again.


"I wish we could tell them, you know? It just feels weird keeping this to ourselves," Izuku said, eyebrows furrowed and sad as he spoke.


Katsuki replaced your hand on Izuku's head with his as you cupped Izuku's face and kissed him on the lips gently.


Katsuki threaded his fingers through the green headed boy's hair as you then placed a kiss to Katsuki's lips as well.


"It's not like we're embarrassed, nerd. It's just that right now with hero training and all that shit that maybe we shouldn't try and distract everyone else with our bullshit, y'know?"


You nodded at Katsuki's well worded answer.


"Yeah. Our stress levels are high enough now that we know that this dumbass is being targeted by the L.O.V.," You sent an accusing glare towards Katsuki.


"What do you mean by that, you bitch!?"

"You know exactly what I mean!"

"Shut the hell up, woman!"

"You first, man whore!"



Izuku giggled softly and looked at the two.


"I'm dating two complete hot heads. I can't catch a break."

Kinda cringe ngl lol

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