Past Is Past

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Request: no

Warnings: no, you have a little fight with your brother, katsuki comforts you ig

Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo X Reader

Title: "Past Is Past"

"While his reasoning is irrational and immature, I agree. You've become so much more involved with your... other life, you haven't even looked back at the rest of us," you said to your brother as the three of you stood in the center of Ground Beta.

"Ever since All Might, you've brushed me off your shoulder. Mom, too. Even though we're in the same hero course, even though we've been through the same trauma, she still looks at you with so much more care and worry that I don't even like going home anymore," you continued, looking down at your hands. "She pays so much more attention to you just because you used to be quirkless."

Izuku had tears in his eyes at the revelation.

He wasn't being a good brother, the one he promised to be to you.

"I- I've never tried to push you out! I love you!" He cried.

"Bullshit! If you loved me you'd have told me right away about One For All!"

"You know I couldn't! That would put All Might at serious ris-"

"If you loved me you would have trusted that I wouldn't just go blabbing about your personal life!" you cried.

"If you loved me you would have let me love who I wanted to! Not tell me off because they did some bad shit to you back in fucking middle school!"


It was quiet before you whispered softly, barely audible.

"If you loved me, you would have realized by now how much I've hated myself."

His eyes widened as you turned around, All Might in his small form looking at the three of you in shock.

You bumped past him and briskly walked back to the dorms.

"Young Midoriya, wait-"

"Fuck off, old man!"

You walked faster.


Three knocks sounded at your door roughly.

"Go away."

"No, loser," Katuski opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him.

He sat on your bed and looked into your eyes. They were red and puffy- it was obvious you'd been crying.

"You actually love me?" he bluntly asked.

You nodded, looking down at your hands.

He knew you liked him, I mean, you were secretly dating, but love? He hadn't even thought about the word. But now that he truly thinks about it, what he felt for you was equivalent to the definition of love.

"He really 'told you off' for loving me? That fucking bastard-"

"Yeah. He told me, 'he's not right for you! He's too mean, what if he bullies you too! Don't you remember what he did to me in middle school???' kind of bullshit."

"Well, regardless of if we have his 'permission', I love you too. He can't do anything to stop us dating. He should know there's a fat chance," Katsuki smirked, ruffling your dark green hair.

You smiled brightly, blinking away the tears.

"I love you too," you leaned in and whispered softly, placing a gentle kiss on the front of his throat.

He sighed and looked down at you with a soft look only he looked at you with.

"I've changed..." Katuski says, running his hands up and down your arms as he cuddles against your chest.

"I know. Past is past, Katsu. I believe you've changed, and I love you for it. I love you so much," you said, muttering against his soft, caramel scented skin.

He kissed up your arm.

You sighed with relief. He clearly wasn't as mad anymore, which was good. You hated when he was upset.

His lips reached your neck and he sucked and bit a hickey in your skin, pulling away to admire his work. Then he leaned back down and kissed your lips, pulling your body into his, your curves fitting perfectly with his toned body.

"I love you so much, Katsuki," your voice melted.

"Love you too, dumbass."

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