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Request: no

Pairing : Katsuki Bakugo X Reader

Warnings: no

Title: "Zero"

Summary: With no homeroom teacher, a giant class, Katsuki Bakugo, and journals, what could go wrong?

Aizawa was out in the hospital one day because of a mission gone wrong.

And naturally due to your terrible history of running into villains and fucking things up, no one wanted to substitute your class.

So, Nezu thought it would be a great idea to combine class 1A and class 1B for the remainder of Aizawa's hospital time.

You hung out with Tetsu Tetsu, Kirishima, Shiozaki, Asui during passing periods, and sat in your usual spot next to your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo during class.

The whole of Class 1A had to sit in between the rows of desks on the floor because there weren't any left and there wasn't enough room for them to bring extra desks.

The floor would work for the time being.

Of course, Monoma got the biggest giggle fit out of that.

After one period in that class, you realized something.

They were all pussies. Softies. Goody-two-shoes.

They had absolutely no trauma whatsoever. And one thing you knew for sure, was that Bakugo would change that.

During the entire week, you, Iida, and Midoriya had to make sure to try and keep him in check.

It was a difficult task, but it was worth it nonetheless.

This class was just so much more relaxing without their normal homeroom teacher there.

It was a great change of pace, though it felt like yoga class. Not an aspiring hero course.

"Alright class, everyone get your journals out and write about your weekly activities. You have 20 minutes," Vlad King stood at the front of the classroom and directed.

"What journal? We don't have those, Mr. King," Midoriya spoke, earning a few murmurs of agreement from his other classmates.

"Ah, yes. I got fresh notebooks for those of class A as well," He walked around the room with a crate full of different colored notebooks and handed them out to those who didn't have one.

"Just write was you did this week, it's simple, really. That's your participation grade for the day," he informed and sat back in his desk at the front, turning his attention to his computer screen.

Class A got to writing in their new notebooks while Bakugo just simply stared at the empty pages.

He didn't think he needed to do this. I mean, journaling? Katsuki Bakugo? It doesn't really go, does it?

An idea popped into his head, and he smirked, side eyeing you, who was sitting next to him against the wall.

He began writing, his pencil stopping only when he had to relieve the cramp in his hand.

Soon enough, the 20 minutes went by and Vlad started recollecting everyone's notebooks to put back in the bin, as he normally kept them in his classroom to grade.

Bakugo smugly tossed his notebook to you. Vlad had started collecting on the other side of the room, so you had time to read his.

Your eyes scanned the page only to widen when you saw how accurately he described his week. Only, not the parts of the week you expected him to write about.

Sentences upon sentences of the many escapades the two of you had over the week were strewn across the paper as your eyes widened more with every sentence.

He never once mentioned anything about school, other than the time you two snuck out of class to make out in the empty band room.

Before Vlad could see, you ripped the three pages of dirty words and stores out of Bakugo's notebook, stuffing them in your uniform pocket.

Vlad reached out for yours and Bakugo's notebooks only to see that his was still open.

He tsked.

"That's a zero for you, Mr. Bakugo."

You couldn't have been happier for your boyfriend to get a bad grade then at this moment.

"What? He asked me to write down what I did all week, I did you!"

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