Chapter 38: How to fool the Dark Lord himself

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Y/n pov

You might want to know the most funny part in my whole life. 

I thought I was supposed to visit voldemort but he himself dropped at our doorstep, pretty surprising right?

I didn't care though. I was mentally planned to act like a badass the whole time he stays in my...The Malfoy manor. Anyways, I will make him regret for wanting me as his crewmate.

Also his Legilimency, something I shouldn't forget about.

'Hail, Dark Lord', Bellatrix bowed at him as he sat on the couch. 'Lord, would you like some juice or perhaps, hot chocolate?'

'I don't drink anything at somebody's house', he hissed, but I'd rather call it a quiet snarl. 'Where is the girl?', I know he was perfectly referring to me.

'Do you have myopia or hypermetropia?', I retorted. ' I'm right here, Voldemort'

'Don't you dare call the Dark Lord by his name!', Bellatrix yelled at me. 'Behave, niece'

'Don't you worry, Bella', Voldemort said as if he was in love with her. 'She will soon behave herself'

Voldemort motioned me to come closer to him, even though my heart was troubled, I dared not to show it out. Because, obliviously I'm Y/n, the protagonist.

'I heard you agreed to my conditions, girl?', asked voldemort. His slits for nose was pretty funny, but his blood red cruel eyes, scared the shit out of me, but I hide it, obviously. 

'I have a name, y'know... I am Y/n Nova Malfoy'

'Okay. Y/n', Voldemort nodded. I was surprised because I have never heard him calling a somebody with their first name (excluding my aunt). 'I hope you know about me very well... and I don't accept cheek from anyone, alright?'

'I'm afraid I don't care about what others think about me', I said. 'I'm straight forward, you see'

'I can very well see that, and my son, you know him right?', He asked me.

I know. Mattheo Riddle, who introduced himself as my fucking boyfriend when I was out of my mind. Pretending to love me, because it was all the bitch's freaking plan to separate me and him. How will I even forget that traitor? 

'Yes', I replied in a low voice.

'As far as I know, You and your dear lover boy Potter are not in good terms', he nodded at me. 'I'm really sorry that you two had to breakup without a reason'

'Shut your fucking mouth, Mr. Dark Lord, I don't really care what already happened, what matters is, my future. So keep your nose out of my love life', I paused to analyse whatever I said and continued, 'Oh shit! Sorry, I forgot your nose got cut' I giggled and gave myself a kiss for telling that statement and both, Bellatrix and Mum started to giggle.

'Silence!', he snarled.

'Sorry Lord, but that was really---', Bellatrix covered her mouth to control herself from uttering another word and from the curse which could've arrived from Voldemort's wand. Mum, stayed silent.

'You're willing to become a Death Eater', he said like if it was a statement and not a question.

'No, It was out of compulsion', I said. 

'Have you chosen your path?', this time he asked me.

'Like there are a million pathways before me', I rolled my eyes. I secured the floor powder I had in my pocket for timely help.

'If, you become a Death Eater, and the mark is on your hand', he said slowly, like I was some kindergarten kid. 'You will serve me, until you die'

'That's obvious', I shrugged.

'And', Voldemort continued as if he couldn't hear me. 'You'll marry my son'

Fucking what?!

'Yes, My beloved son, Mattheo', he confirmed. 'He would love to have you as his bride, Y/n. And I bet you will like him too'

No, I said internally. 'I can say my opinion on that later', I said. 'I'm only thirteen, I don't know anything'

'Yes', he hissed. 'But, this was your Father's choice, you two we destined from a very young age, and you will marry him on the day you turn seventeen, so you will get four years from now to decide'

'Mum! You never said a word about this to me!'

'I'm sorry, Y/n', she said. 'Your father forbade me from telling you this'

'Fine, now come to the actual point', I snarled, my hands folded around my chest. I don't want to marry that Mattheo motherfucking Riddle, It must be his fucking idiotic plan! I swear, I will not marry until I find true love. I don't want an arranged marriage.

'So, you will have to stretch your right forearm', Voldemort instructed. 'And I will give you the honorable Dark Mark!', with that, he laughed like a maniac, like his plans and dreams were fulfilled.

'Okay', I walked and stopped before him. 'Here', I stretched my right hand out.

In a few seconds, I will become a Death Eater. I will become the villain of the story, I will be the antagonist. I will get to kill many people and will be Voldemort's right hand. I will marry Mattheo Riddle after four years and happily ever after.

If that's what you think, you are wrong. My plans are totally different. In Ivy's words, even the gods of Olympus will not know.

'Tell that you'd use the unforgivable curses whenever we need, from now on,' he paused and got hold of my hand, a cold sensation like you're going to get killed swam straight into my hand and into my brain. 'I will be your master, and you will serve me, for life!'

He raised his pale white "Yew" wand and thrust in my hand, like a cloth being pierced by a sharp needle and background noises of Voldemort and Bellatrix giggling, filled my ears, my mum probably stood at a side, sobbing insider herself or was squealing because she will get back her husband.

'Yes!', Voldemort said, I looked at my own hand where the dark mark started to grow. 

About time, Voldemort, I said inside me. My left hand took a grip on his wand hand, where he pierced my skin and thrust it straight in his forehead. 

'Oops, didn't see that coming did you?', I laughed and went to the fireplace, as I saw the Dark Mark now blooming on Voldemort's forehead.

'Owww!', He wailed in pain, 'Get back here you--'

I clicked my tongue in disapproval. 'Bye guys, see y'all later'

Every eye in the room looked straight at me and wide eyed. 

'Bella get her!', he snarled. 'Ouch!'

'Yes Lord!', she searched her pockets for her wand.

In the meanwhile, I took floor powder from my pocket and said, 'Hogwarts, Dumbledore's office!'. A swoosh of great green light and I was no longer in the Malfoy Manor, I was back at Hogwarts, the place of comfort.

'Guess who's back', I stepped out the fireplace, and I stared straight into his piercing green eyes. 

Oh shit.


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