5 First Kiss

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Isaac: "Isaac c'mon or we will miss the movie" you called. He was buying popcorn and coke for you two and shook his head lightly while smiling. "I'll be right there princess" he said and paid for the stuff. "Thank god" you smiled. You both searched you seats and found them real quick. "The last time I was at the cinema was on our first date" you laughed while popping some popcorn in your mouth. "That was a couple of months ago" he stated. "Yeah, ages ago" you giggled. After the really good movie you decide to walk a bit. Just enjoy the two of you having some time for yourselves. He held your hand and a overwhelming warmth shoot up your body. "I love the effect I have on you" he smirked and stopped walking. "Isaac! The deal was no wolf powers when we go out" you whined. "I can't just turn them off princess" he laughed. "Well you better try shutting your needs up" you rolled your eyes at him. "Oh I will" he said with a one last smirk before he leaned in and kissed you.

Scott: "I swear to god if you cheat on me with her I'll-" that's when he pressed his lips against yours. "I wouldn't have done that, if I wouldn't truly love you. I don't know what boys you ever came across but I'm not one of them [y/n]" he said, pushing away a hair strand behind your ear. "I'm just worried, okay. I'm sorry" you sighed. "It's okay. This was our first kiss, was it good?" scott then laughed. "It was perfect" you giggled.

Stiles: "[Y/N] I'm just saying that I have bigger problems right now" he yelled what made you flinch. He soon realised that he yelled at you but you were already walking away while tears streamed down your face. "[y/n]" he called but you didn't turn around. You just speed up your pace. "Darling I'm sorry" he grabbed you by your arm and turned you around as soon as he reached you. "I didn't mean to yell. I was stressed but I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you" he said while wiping away your tears. "It's okay, I shouldn't have put you on pressure. I was just sad that you werd spending less time with me every week" you sighed. He held your cheek and leaned in. You smiled and put your arms around his neck.

Derek: "You have to concentrate more" Peter yelled. You got the bite as well but not from him or Peter. You didn't even turn into a werewolf, you're a Banshee. "I'm trying" you yelled back in frustration. "It's okay sweetheart. Don't let him pressure you" he gave Peter a death glare and embraced you in a hug. "I'm trying to help but it isn't as easy as it seems to be" you cried. "Hey, look at me. You are helping, it's okay. You are getting better and better every day [y/n]" he played with your hair while your head rested against his shoulder. "I'm going to vomit" Peter stated and left the room. A light giggle escaped your mouth and you looked up at Derek. He took this chance and kissed you. Your heartbeat sped up rapidly and your hands found its way in Derek's hair.

Liam: You went to Liams to study for the Biology exam. Everyone knows that studying alone is way too boring. The best thing is studying with your boyfriend, just saying. "How the hell am I supposed to learn this stuff till Friday?" he complained. Liam gets angry easily and that's a bad habit due to his yellow glowing eyes which appear everytime. "Liam calm down" you said. Your heartbeat speeding up as well. His fangs appeared. "I fucking hate that teacher. He doesn't like me I know that! I can smell it" he growled. "Liam it's okay. He hates everyone, please calm down" you pleased. We wouldn't listen so you just leaned in and kissed him. You were surprised that his fangs didn't even hurt you because they disappeared immediately. "Are you calm now?" you asked, smilimg. "I don't know, I don't think so" he smirked.

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