i need more.

33 1 0

lacy was sat on a couch in a random party that her newest 'lover' had dragged her to. the music was blasting over the speakers, overstimulating her even more. the only thing that would calm her down would be talking to gabby, but since the argument, she couldn't bear to look at gabby since. instead, she decided to try and listen to the music playing, focusing on the lyrics.

"i keep telling myself i'm fine, got you on re. i wish that i could lose track of time, but i know that you know that i'll never forget it, 'cause i know the day, and the month, and the second" was all that she could make out from the song. but it reminded her of herself and gabby so much that she decided to take control of the situation.

gabs 💞

gabs? : layc 🩷

please hun : layc 🩷

i'm sorry for all the shit i caused : layc 🩷

please answer : layc 🩷

i don't wanna live knowing you killed yourself because of me : layc 🩷

promise me that you haven't : layc 🩷

gabriela please : layc 🩷

i just want to talk : layc 🩷

gabriela sarah o'connell please : layc 🩷

please : layc 🩷

shit you really have : layc 🩷

i'm so sorry gabs : layc 🩷

i shouldn't have done it : layc 🩷


all that lacy could do after that was wait. and during that waiting, (and a few shots of vodka) joseph had come up to her.

"hey, baby." he 'seductively' muttered, stretching his arm around lacy as he sat down next to her.

lacy then decided she just needed to suck it up for a bit, "hi hun." she whispered, taking small sips from the red solo cup she held.

joseph kept eyeing her boobs while he sipped his beer, which she was comfy with when gabby did it, but with joseph? it just felt.. off.

"so.. wanna fuck?" joseph asked, taking a small condom out his jean pocket

lacy bit her lip slightly in disgust, no way was she having sex with him. "no thanks hun, i'm.. not in the mood."

joseph sighed, placing his grubby hand on lacy's thigh and became to lightly grope it, "c'mon babe, just a quick one."

"no way, joseph. no means no." lacy picked up his hand by the ring finger and placed it upon the couch.

that must have set something off in him. "fucks sake!" joseph shouted, smashing his bottle against the coffee table and walking off to make out with some other chick.

then lacy's phone pinged.

gabs 💞

gabs 💞: cut off all contact with me.

gabs 💞: i want nothing to do with that joseph guy.

lacy smiled at the message, not because gabby wanted them to cut off contact, but because gabby had took the time to message her back after hours of being on sent. after she had read them, her fingers began to dance across the keyboard, sending message after message.

oneshots but its just gabby and lacy from that one rtc fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now