First Kiss |Eric|

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Eric is your idol boyfriend and of course you support him as much as you can and he is always happy to have such a supportive girlfriend like you

As much as you support him you sometimes also feel jealous and insecure as some fans always ship him with beautiful female idols

You know you're boyfriend well , he'll never cheat but still you don't like this kind of news , and here you are...all jealous of Eric being ship with another female idol again

This time it was different because they have lots of eye contact that looks like they have a crush on each other

You can't help but to be sulky as you continue playing the video and soon your boyfriend come home from practice "Hey princess~" He come to hug you right away but you move a little making him confused

"Ay Y/N..I am so tired and all I want is just your kisses and cuddle please...don't keep your distance from me" He smile and pull you closer as you look at him , cuddling is a normal thing...but you guys never kiss before

You decided to change the topic since you're feeling nervous "Eric...who is this girl?" You pout abit as he look "I don't know? Why?" He look at you as he kiss your forehead "You sure? Look you keep on stealing glances..." You raise your eyebrows

Eric look at the video again "I really don't know her baby...why?" He cup your cheeks and squish it a little as he giggles due to the softness " ship you with her.." You quietly said as he stop and put his hands down with a sigh "Again?"

He sigh deeply again as he sit straight "How many times am I going to tell you to not feel insecure--"
"I can't help...I'm sorry...they're all so pretty--"
"But you're my girlfriend...if I want them I will break up with you...but I didn't cause I love you and only you so stop feeling this way babe please"

"I know...I am trying..." You said and look down a little as he roll his eyes " many times am I gonna comfort you about this thing? How many times are you trying to bring this up all over again and again? I'm so done with this--"

"Eric I just can't help ok? I also tried my best!" You look at him as he reply "Eric? Now you call me by name? Are you that much jealous?" He ask as you look away trying not to say all the things you really want as he continue to speak "I think you should try not to be that jealous , I think that's the only thing that will help you"

You roll your eyes abit "Sure." You guys always talk nicely about this but this time it was different and you two seems like you both were tired and not in the mood

You decided to change the topic as you stand up with him looking at you wondering what you try to do "I'll heat up the food , go take a shower" You said as you go to the kitchen, Eric sigh as he stand up and walk towards the bathroom

Almost 25 minutes has pass when he get out and go to you guys room to dry his hair and you wait for him patiently until he shout from the bedroom

"Eric?" You quickly walk towards your bedroom "Are you okay?---" You managed to finish your sentence when he pin you on the door and lean closer to you

Sure you're boyfriend is always energetic , cute and clingy're boyfriend right now is not what you already see , he wear no shirt, with his wet messy black hair that makes him so fucking hot

You gulp as he lean more closer "I'm sorry about earlier baby...but..." He chuckled as you look at him confused "Is my princess that much jealous?" He look straight into your eyes

Your face becomes red as you avoid eye contact with him "Look at me" He said making you freeze and look down abit , he chuckle again as you look at him confused but he close the gap between you two and kiss you passionately

You were too shocked to kiss him back that he stop and look at you "Princess...don't you like it? I'm so--"
"No no...isn't just...we never kiss before...I was kinda shock that's all" You look down again to hide your red face

"Then? I can continue?" He ask as you look at him , too shy to even answer him but he know so he kiss you again, this time it was abit rough and kiss you exactly like he wanted for a long damn time

"I'm sorry I never kiss you...well I want it to be very special but I don't know when...I hope you're not mad that our first kiss is not in special place" He smile abit as you smile back

"I never ask you to kiss me in special place you know..." You finally look at him directly as he kiss your forehead "Now I can finally have morning and night kisses..."


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