VIII** - What have I done.?

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Warning: This Chapter Contains..
- Dirty words (HEHE)


September 17
I think I choked on something. It was soft, furry, and tasted like lavender. My head is still spinning, because I don't really remember what happened last night. I sluggishly opened my two eyes, it surprisingly opened so fast this time. The first thing I noticed is the purple figure right next to me, in bed. I don't see why I shouldn't melt now. I lifted the blanket up slowly, I don't want to wake that cat up. His sweat is all over me, so a shower is a must for me now, I can't afford to go to school like this. One thing.. his tail is somehow tucked inside my boxers, which means.. it's tingling my sensitive spot. I barely detangled it and pulled it out, getting embarrassed to notice that the tip of his tail is wet, and so were a few spots on my thin fabric underwear. I walked into the shower, did it really happen? Did I have a wet dream?

-------------------NSFW starts here------------------

I turned on the warm water as my member started to itch. I can't do it, not now.. I have school.. but thinking about what happened earlier and remembering what I did last night is making me horny..
I don't know what I was even thinking. I felt my paws slowly sliding down between my legs. I have never done this before, nor do I have any experience or knowledge about it. One thing I know for certain, that it feels extremely good. I feel myself panting and moaning inside the shower, I had to muffle it. The warm water was making my body tremble as I kept on jerking off. I feel the throbbing piece of meat in my paws starting to tense up, the feeling is getting tighter and tighter as I picked up the pace. It's happening, it is definitely happening, I can't stop.
There it is, my first load, ever. I panted nonstop after my cumshot. My shaft is a little numb now, and I feel the heaviness lifted off me after the release. I'm starting to panic on how I should get rid of the evidence. Letting it run down the drain seems like the easiest solution, and I surely hope that it leaves no scent, or else everyone will find out. I finished showering and applied some of my Vanilla Cologne to get rid of the excess odor.


I left the bathroom. CatNap is gone, and the bed got significantly more messy. I put on my favorite sweatshirt and fabric pants. I'm not really in the mood for school uniforms and it's very comfy.. My stomach is starting to rumble as I headed downstairs, overthinking on how to answer questions if my friends ask me..


Communal Room
Kickin couldn't stop laughing when I told him that DogDay's whimpers woke me up. I already took a quick shower in the guest's bathroom because DogDay was in the ours. I don't know what that dog was doing but it definitely was dirty. Investing into hoodies was a good choice. You can wear them almost everytime.. except during summer, of course. We were having breakfast, Picky cooked us some good stuff like eggs and bacon, classic but fire. My ears perked up as I heard DogDay's footsteps coming closer to the kitchen.

(D-Day) "Morning.. everyone.!"
(Hoppy) "Heyyyy, dude! Did you sleep well?"
(Bobby) "You and that cat of yours kept me up all night!"
(D-Day) "Seriously.?!"
(Bobby) "I'm being sarcastic, darling"
(Bubba) "Alright now, guys. Be quick, it's almost time for school, we don't wanna be late, do we?"
(Picky) "I'm going to need to cut down on our groceries.."
(C-Nap) "...."

DogDay got his propotion of breakfast. He smells good today, I hope that his natural smell is good.. I'd walk to school by now, but I'm lazy. Having a chat on the road is fun
Everyone quickly finished their breakfast and packed their stuff. Bubba grabbed the keys and I grabbed DogDay. His tail kept slapping against me, I find it quite endearing.
We got on the car, DogDay sat next to me as usual. My tail tangled his hands together.. again. It just wants attention.. I guess
It's already 7:09 and we're not even outside of the garage yet.. we're screwed
Zyonez's Highschool
Bubba already got a subscription for parking, there's a big lot behind the school for that. Me and DogDay led the gang to Mister Etaz's office. One by one they all got their uniforms and passes. It's sad that they all had different classes, only DogDay's and mine match. Bobby and Hoppy won't stop bugging me with the lovebirds stuff, just because we go to the same classroom..
I just finished my lunch. Our next class starts at 12:35, and I'm having Gym with the pup. In the meantime, I decided to go check out the school. It's only my second day here and I don't know much yet. DogDay looks rather sad to see me leave but he said that it's okay, I feel terrible for leaving him like that..
While walking, I'm deciding on what I should get for my puppy. He was kinda.. high last night so I want to propose to him properly. I think that's unnecessary but who cares, I want my pup to be happy.
Department Store
This school has a whole fucking department store? Damn. I had to tie my tail around my waist or else it would tangle everything. They sell everything you'd expect from the department store here.. and also some merchandise.. school's merchandise and also from some.. anime? I dunno. But I'm glad I picked this school. My mind is getting fuzzy because everything on my mind now is DogDay.. and that hot body of his..
When I was about to leave, I saw some cool bracelets on that one shelf in the corner. They sell jewelry here? There's rings.. necklaces.. and stuff.. this is definitely not just a department store.. I got two bracelets, one resembling the sun and the other resembling the moon. I'm going to give DogDay one, definitely. The tip of my tail wiggles as my excitement grew


13: 08
The coach taught us how to play Tennis today! The racket is really heavy, and it's really difficult to get a good swing.. I don't know how CatNap got so good at this.. that just made him even more dreamy.! Coach is helping me practice my swings, and I'm actually getting the hang of it! CatNap showed up pretty late, coach isn't pleased. Where was he? I told him to be back early.!

(D-Day) "Cat?! Where did you go?! You're 20 minutes late already!"
(C-Nap) "I got lost, okay? I thought I already remembered.."
(D-Day) "Coach just taught me how to play Tennis! Can we have a go?"
(C-Nap) "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you"
(D-Day) "Don't be so sure about that! If I do win, don't come crying to me later!"
(C-Nap) "Bet!"

We both got into position, I don't know why most people here don't like Tennis. Well, more space for us! CatNap is definitely going easy on me, if he didn't I'd lose already. I just managed to keep up with him, CatNap is really a pro at this. I decided that I wanted to play Tennis and not Basketball because I'm really eager to try something new and go against CatNap!
Anyways, he won.. aww.. I thought I had something..

(C-Nap) "You did good for a beginner! I can practice with you more"
(D-Day) "Haha! Thank you, Kitty! Hey, since there's still some time left, wanna try some Basketball?"
(C-Nap) "Ooh- I don't know about that.. but I'm willing.."

Yay!! CatNap agreed! My tail started to wag as I grabbed a basketball near the bleachers. I let CatNap hold it, he said that it was too heavy and he wouldn't be able to throw this. I chuckled as I showed him how to bounce the ball and do some basic throws. We pretty much spent the rest of the period passing to each other. I kinda accidentally threw it too hard and it hit CatNap right in the stomach

(C-Nap) "I'm fine, don't worry..!"
(C-Nap) "It actually.. hurts.. aahh.."
(D-Day) "Sowwy.."
(C-Nap) "Sure.! No problem, this happens every time in sports. You will never believe how much it hurts if this was a tennis ball.."
(D-Day) "Don't tell me"

We had a lot of fun! I'm kinda disappointed to hear the bell ring, but we can always visit the park and play some sports! I told CatNap that I needed to go to the bathroom and he should get to class first, I'll catch up.
I walked down the hallway instead of going to the bathroom. I met with Hoppy while he was gone during lunchtime and she knew exactly where everyone's lockers were. I remembered where CatNap's is. I went to the locker section and found his. It wasn't locked.. hehe. I put a piece of paper and some Lavender in there. I closed the locker and rushed back to class
Where's that cat now?! He's been gone since 20 minutes ago! He told the teacher that he needed to go to the bathroom. What is he dong in there?! I checked all of the bathrooms that I knew and he wasn't there. I'm starting to have a panic attack, is he leaving me.. like that again?! I know it might just be a prank but it's mean. I need to confront him.
I was walking past CatNap's locker.. I decided to check on it. My paper was gone.. it was replaced by another.
"You meet me there, Doggy"
I blushed a little. Doggy? What kind of nickname is that? It's cute, still. I also noticed that the Lavenders I left here are gone. What is this silly planning now..
The Spot
If I followed that note correctly, we're supposed to meet here. Ah! There he is! I ran up to the Purple Cat.. his back is facing me.? Did.. did I do something wrong.?

(D-Day) "CatNap.! I was looking everywhere for you!"

Well, I was the one who should be meeting CatNap here.. I.. I guess he just was faster. I originally planned to ask him, then if he agrees then we can hangout and have some time together.. but.. CatNap.. just stood there, his back still facing me. He still hasn't responded to me yet. It's making me worried

(D-Day) "C-CatNap.? What's wrong.?"

I stood there and wait. And I waited.. no answer.. no response..
Did I accidentally upset him.?

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now