Volume 1 Chapter 1: Tryouts Pt. 1

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The day is Friday, September 9th, 2020. Kids are gathering around for the TWPA Rookie Recruitment Tryouts. (Kwayne's Perspective)

As all the kids entered the TWPA Gym, There he stood, Ferrio Falastisistis he was the person trying us out. I walked into the gym, I was just looking around and observing everyone, Just as I least expected, A boy came from absolutely nowhere "Boo!" He shouted trying to spook me, I jumped "I'm Jouno, What's your name ?" He said, "I'm Kwayne Oris-" I attempted to speak, But was abruptly cut off "AYE ITS K.O !!" A guy said, Approaching us. "Harry.. What do you want ?" I asked, He had this smug look on his face "To try out of course, What else ?" He replied.

"My name is Ferrio Falastistis, But you will refer to me as Professor Falastistis, I will be trying you out today" Our professor said "Professor Falasti.. Falastis.. Falastististitis !" I attempted to say his name, failing miserably "If it's too hard you can call me Professor F., Well today I will be trying you out in the categories of strength, intelligence, speed, and teamwork, And first we will be doing the strength test" He explained. "For this test, We will do One Versus Ones, a Reminder there is no winner, and it's just to showcase your abilities and talents, And our first match-up.. It's Jouno vs Jin-Lee" Professor F. said. Jouno and Jin-Lee stepped up.

Jin-Lee threw a clean roundhouse, taking his shirt off in the same motion.
Jouno went into a portal that existed in his overcoat, quickly dodging the maneuver and wrapped out of the other side, tackling Jin-Lee onto the ground.
Jin-Lee kicked him off and slammed his fist down on his chest.
Jouno rolled out the way and kicked him in the nose, warping into his overcoat.
Jin-Lee kipped up and prepared for an attack.
Jouno warped above him and came down with an axe kick.
Jin-Lee grabbed his leg and flipped him onto the ground.
Jouno landed on his hands and pushed up into a kick to the face.
Jin-Lee fell backward, Unconscious.

"The next match-up is, Kwayne versus Harry" I stepped up, And so did Harry.

I wrapped my hand in lightning and threw a haymaker at Harry.
Harry quickly dodged, kicking me in the side.
I lowered my hand blocking it.
Harry charged up a fireball and released it at me.
I dodged out of the way and shot a lightning bolt to his chest.
Harry took it, Falling back.

"The next match-up is Wane vs Tommy O." Professor F. said, Wane stepped up, and Tommy stepped up.

Wane manipulated the gravity around Tommy forcing him to the ground.
Tommy shouted being stuck "YOU CHEATER !!"
Wane started stomping on Tommy until he went unconscious.

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