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The arrival of a rebel spread like fire through a forest when Bone's hooves touched the borders of Xylem. The pure white stallion huffed as a wave of guards rushed toward them, all wielding spears that looked more for decoration than usage.

"Aye, who goes?" Growled a broad-shouldered man at the front.

"Liam Brown, vice president of Abyssinia."

The guard raised an eyebrow, lowing his spear by a hand's length.

"Got a 'lotta wits for a rebel like yer to be wanderin' around when the king's afta' yer blood, mate."

He exhaled slightly through his nose, subconsciously reaching over to his pouch where his two precious bargaining tools were held.

"I'm here to make a deal with the king, so if you could kindly let me pass, that would be convenient for the both of us."

The guard chuckled.

"Me and mah crew admire yer strength, kid. But I gotta say, they don't call Ize the 'Killer King' for nothin', aye?"

"That's why I came to bargain, not fight."

The guard squinted.

"Sure kid, sure. We'll escort yer there."

Bone was visibly more tense as the pair walked through the town, surrounded by guards. But the ring of 'protection' did nothing against the hostile glares from the townsfolk or the mothers pushing their children into houses, some kids looking just a little younger than himself.

Liam swallowed his sigh of disappointment and focused of calming Bone down, so he doesn't accidentally bolt. That would mean the death of the both of them. Liam refrained from laughing out loud. They haven't even won the revolution yet, and Liam was already six feet under. The thought would have been funny if it didn't apply to himself.

The impressive palace of Xylem appeared in the horizon, making Liam inwardly cringe at the sight. Hundreds of peasants in the outer sectors worked day and night just so they could have something to eat that day, but here was Ize, relaxing in his luxury palace doing nothing. Liam would've snorted out loud if the sudden noise wouldn't have scared Bone.

"'Ere we are, the palaces of Xylem."

Liam dismounted, leading Bone to a nearby hitching post, pulling a couple of carrots out for Bone to snack on as he tied the lead rope to the post.

Taking a deep breath, he strode into the palace with the guards.

One of them, scurried inside at what he assumed was the captain's signal.

Walking through the main hallway of Xylem Palace felt like walking to his doom, his boots clicking against the marble floor, eyes raking past the much too tidy décor.

The guards signaled him to stop as they reached two grand doors, making it more than obvious that it was the throne room. One of them stepped up and gave three solid knocks, receiving a lazy 'Come in,' from the other side. Liam steeled himself as the doors were pushed open, revealing the king slouching on his throne, clearly pre-occupied with something other than a rebel's arrival.

"Your Majesty, Liam Brown of Abyssinia would like to conference with you sir." Came the guard's polite introduction, floating out somewhere behind him.

Liam would be lying if he hadn't raised an eyebrow in surprise at the sudden change of accent, concealing the scratchy pronunciation under a sentence that seemed to be practiced to perfection.

Guards, am I right? He thought to himself, his lips tugging upward slightly.

Ize lifted his eyes, straightening his posture a bit before giving a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Thank you. You may return to your post now."

The patrol nodded their heads before retreating, leaving the king and the boy to their conversation.

"Ah, Liam Brown. In the flesh. Pleasure to meet you." Smirked Ize, his eyes glittering with barely hidden malice. "Pleased to see the boy who thought so well that you could win the war."

"Oh please, save the niceties." Snorted Liam, rolling his eyes slightly. "You've lost so many times to us. But still, you refer to us as boys. Then what shall we refer to you as? Your ROYAL Highness? Hm? I think that 'overgrown child with problems' suits you just fine, don't you think?" A humorless laugh forced its way from Liam's chest.

"Ah, youngsters. So naive. Ever heard of the saying 'win the battle but lose the war?'"

Liam gritted his teeth, barely refraining from shoving his fist into Ize's face. Boy, would it feel great wiping that smug grim from his lips.

"I'm not here to talk about that." He muttered, digging his nails into the palms of his hands.

"Then for what purpose do you come visit me?" Mocked Ize.

"I came to bargain."

The look on Ize's face was of utmost shock.
"Bargain? You think YOU have something I want? I don't think so." Cackled Ize.

"Actually," he snapped, mentally bracing himself. "I think I do."

Raising an eyebrow, Ize gave an overly posh gesture of his hand.

"Please, enlighten me."

Praying to dear God his eyes were still there, he breathed out a sigh of relief when his fingers brushed against the ice-cold surface of his precious items.

"Your Grace the Majesty King Ize," he mimicked, making the title sound like a ridiculous name. "I present you the Eyes of the Dead."

Ize's eyes widened with glee. With those, he could easily win the entire world over. They were powerful objects; perhaps more powerful than the nature of death itself. Ize knew that in order for the Eyes to function, he needed to find a way. A way that nobody has ever found—or came out of the ordeal alive. Yet he was willing to take the risk. High risk, high reward. Ize's eyes lit up. He could have everything he's wanted! Grinning, he reached for the eyes, only for them to be tucked back into Liam's pouch.

"Not so fast," he taunted. "I need a formal declaration of independence right here, and we'll exchange... gifts." He finished as he tapped his finger on the desk, indication where he wanted to see the declaration.

Ize nodded slowly, narrowing his eyes at the kid's intelligence. Clearly, these weren't the power-hungry fools he delt with in court, too full of their own fantasies of ruling the world to focus properly on the negotiations set before them. The perfect chance for Ize to play his cards and turn the tide to his favor.

"That'll suit us just fine." He replied, reaching over to shake the younger's hand.

Liam accepted it with some reluctance, giving him a firm handshake before retracting his hand as quickly as possible, his rather disgusted face poorly masked.

"I'll see you around. I guess." Liam muttered the part, clearly not keen on ever setting his eyes on his all-too-perfect palace and that nonchalant, unbothered face of Ize.

Ize smiled, with a sinister edge to it.
"I'll be waiting," Hummed Ize as he turned and settled back onto the throne, watching the retreating figure of Liam Brown thoughtfully. There was a lot more to this boy than what meets the eye. Maybe this 'small' rebellion isn't that small after all.

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