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Bro, how am i in #4 in phighting? I guess y'all are definitely enjoying my Slingbox story, or whatever it is, bro.
Help idk good titles for this help me y'all
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Skateboard and Slingshot didn't get a reply from Boombox in the rgb trio group, so they decided to go to Boombox apartment. They both met up at the park

Skateboard:So, let's go to his apartment, Sling
Slingshot nods as an agreement. They walk toward the place where Boombox apartments were
Perviously before it happened(BEFORE THE CHAPTER 3 I MEANT BRO)

Medkit was in his office, drinking his favourite coffee as he was about to take a sip, Rocket entered his office and waved at him, he put down his coffee in the table and then look at Rocket

Medkit:What bring you here, Rocket?.
He asked him

Rocket:Well, as you see... the phighter name Boombox was acting weird.
He put the flower that Boombox dropped on the ground to their table. Medkit looks at it for a few seconds and looks at Rocket again

Medkit:Oh, well, i don't know about his weird action, but i do see him acting nervous whenever he is near Slingshot, IF they were kinda close?.
Rocket didn't show any reaction toward the messages, but he just replied with something

Rocket:Hm, i understand... don't mind if i go tell Vinestaff?.
He asked Medkit

Medkit:Of course, she's not here, so... go walk to Thieve Den by yourself because i am too busy with my work and the other.
He grabbed his coffee and drank it

Rocket:Alright, whatever, Medkit...
He leaves the office

Medkit:... Boombox... weird action... huh....
He sighs before he goes back to working
At Thieve Den

Rocket is at the Thieve Den, he walk around looking for Vinestaff. While he was walking around and then he saw her watering the flower as he ran toward her then stop in front of her.

Vinestaff:Oh, what bring you here?.
She asked Rocket

Rocket:I am here to tell you about Boombox action!.

Vinestaff:Oh, that famous dj? Of course, what happened to him?
She tilts her head before putting down the watering pot. Idk what you call it.

Rocket:Well, he acting weird lately. He also dropped the flower, and it seems like he wanna give it to someone?

Vinestaff:Hmm, i don't have an answer, but maybe i can ask for help from my roommate and his friend Skateboard. But my phone is broke because, well...
She sighs

Vinestaff:My brother... Shuriken accidentally threw his shuriken at my phone instead of the dummy while he was practising, but don't worry! I will use his phone by asking permission! Is that alright?.

Rocket:Yup! That alright, after all!.
He smiled at Vinestaff so as she did too, he wave a goodbye at her and left the faction.
Vinestaff left her garden to go ask her brother to borrow his phone so she could contact Slingshot and Skateboard about Boombox strange action, but before that, she decided to contact Boombox first.

Later, after she borrowed her brother phone, she hopped to the P! Chat then went to Boombox dm and said, "Hey, Boom, it is not me. Is Vinestaff using this phone? I'm just asking if you need some help? Because you seem acting strange lately." And send it, but didn't get respond so she sighs as he goes to the group chat instead because Skateboard and Slingshot is online there
End of the Pervious

Skateboard and Slingshot made it to his apartment, they knock on his door as they both said, "Hello?" At the same time, they look at each other as they decide to go one by one(maybe... idk... don't ask me)

Skateboard:Boom? Are you there?.
He said Boombox heard their voice, but he decided not to respond with anything. He just lay on the couch covering himself with a blanket in the dark

Slingshot:You seem acting weird too-
Boombox heart raced up when he heard Slingshot voice, he immediately ran toward the door and opened it

Skateboard:... Well, that works.
They both went inside his apartment as they all took a seat on the couch.
Boombox is just silent. He's too nervous to say anything right now.

Slingshot:So, Boombox, are you okay?.
Boombox looks at Slingshot and just nods instead of responding to him

Skateboard:Hey, can you tell us what wrong? Because your actions seem strange lately...
He was surprised and looked at Skateboard

Boombox:Is nothing... n-nothing!.
He feels embarrassed when they find out about his action

Slingshot:You need help?.
He asked

Boombox:No, not really! I'm just fine after all!.
He tries to keep his secret

Skateboard:You sure? Because you seem upset and depressed.
Boombox got too nervous because he couldn't even say anything whenever Slingshot was near

Boombox:i-i.. uhh.. i.. never mind, leave.
Slingshot and Skateboard were confused about why Boombox asked them to leave? What did they do? They seem suspicious right now, is already at the max limit of suspicious of his behaviour

Skateboard:Boom... what do yo-
Then they got kicked out of his apartment... so as Slingshot did...
They look at their phone, seem like Boombox has blocked them like what, idk what I am i writing... pls don't make fun of me, bro.

They sighs but they were forced to accept it and leave him alone
The next dag

Skateboard and Slingshot are at the restaurant, just eating some food. They are having a nice time, but at the same time, they also worry about Boombox. What happens to him? Is he going insane now?...
At Thieve Den

Vinestaff was chilling, sitting alone on the bench or whatever you call that seat, until Medkit appeared in front of her

Vinestaff:Oh, hi Med, what bring you here?.
She asked

Medkit:Well, i have to say that Boombox has blocked his own friend Slingshot and Skateboard.
Vinestaff was surprised by these moments right now

Vinestaff:H-huh? W-why?.

Medkit:Because Boombox told them to leave his apartment, they tried to help him but fail. Thank you for coming to my offices about this.
Perviously at Medkit office with Skateboard and Slingshot

Medkit:You're telling me that he blocks you guys in P! Chat?.
Skateboard nods his head

Slingshot:Because he told us to leave his apartment while we were trying to help him, i feel silently suspicious.
Medkit and Skateboard also has the same feeling about this

Medkit:So, is that all?
They both shook their head, as he nodded his head and watched them leave his office, he decided to go see Vinestaff to say the news about this
End of the Pervious
Meanwhile, Boombox

He was shaking in fear in his bedroom. He was scared when his both friend found out about his strange action. What if Slingshot didn't like him now? So, as his other friends. He got into mental breakdown and doesn't even do this music track that is still in process anymore. He lost motivation now(LIKE ME LOL HAHAHAVGVAG7VG8A8GV, sorry Boombox main)

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