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Qibli: Ooooh, a letter. *grabs letter from Aspen*

Aspen: Hey! You don't get the letters, technically they go to me!

Winter: *tackles Qibli and gives the letter to Aspen*

Aspen: *reading it* Oh... It's a dare for Peril...

*Everyone stares at Peril*

Peril: What?! I hope whatever stupid scavenger sent this knows I can't touch anything flammable. 

Aspen: Er- It's not about what you have to do, it's about what you have to say.

Kinkajou: Oh snap!

Peril: *screEEchEs* tEll MeH wHaT mY dUmB dArE iSSS!

Aspen: YouHaveToSayYesToEverythingAndStayTrueToYourWordForADay! *runs out*

Peril: So... I have to say yes to everything?!

Qibli: And stay true to your word!

Lynx: *randomly appears* This'll be fun! *disappears*

Peril: No. This will NOT BE FUN.

Kinkajou: Peril, you can't say no remember? Only yes.

Peril: *grumbles*

Umber: Peril, I'm sorry, but they're going to put you in peril... *giggles*

Lynx: *appears upside down hanging from a random vine in the room* RIM SHOT! *disappears*

Peril: PYSCHO!

Qibli: *starts posing* Peril, am I incredibly handsome?

Peril: *screams* CAN I DIE?

Shard: *speaking like a narrator* For the next 23 hours, things were pretty chaotic, a little like this:

Qibli: Hey, Peril, would you climb in this cannon to test if it works for me?

Everyone: *watching as Peril gets shot all the way to the Sky Kingdom*

Qibli: *yelling* Thanks Peril! Tell me where you land!

Kinkajou: Peril, some scary monkies have invaded some huts in the rainforest, could you deal with them for me?

Everyone: *watching as Peril gets beaten up by rabid monkies*

Kinkajou: Thanks Peril! Forgot to mention that they're fireproof!

Winter: Cook me some meat Peril!

[five minutes later]

Winter: *starts tearing up* You burnt my FOOOOOOOOOOD!

Moon: Peril, do you mind holding my books for a minute?

Shard: I don't even have to TELL you what happened after that! 

Moon: Who are you talking to? Also, *takes deep breath* FIREEEEEEE!

*fourth wall crumbling*


Aspen: *runs in with duct tape*

Shard: *quickly covers crumbling wall with duct tape*

*fire melts duct tape and wall*


Aspen: Er- Shard, you didn't pay for any of this stuff, you stole it...

Shard: Oh yeah.

Shard: Let's go steal a fifth wall! *runs away*

Aspen: *turns to the dragons staring at them* I don't know her! She's a random dragon who I've never met!

[Back in the fancy office a while later with Shard still acting as the narrator]

Shard: Talk about betrayal! Anywho, this isn't about me, (unfortunately) this is about Peril. After almost a day of being chased around, doing stupid jobs and being used as a walking oven or a popcorn maker, Peril was exhausted.

Peril: *sleeping* 

[All speaking at the same time:]

Qibli: Is she in a coma?

Kinkajou: Oh my gosh, we killed her!

Winter: She's faking it for attention, though, honestly, it looks pretty real.

Moon: She's just tired.


Umber: Dang, I had more corn to turn into popcorn, guess I can't sneak my way out of eating my vegetables now.

Aspen: *walks in* It has now been 23 hours and 57 minutes since I received the letter about Peril's dare-

Qibli: what letter? 


Qibli: Ohhhh, that one. Kidding, sorry, don't remember.

Winter: How many letters do you steal?!

Qibli: I lost count around three years ago.

Aspen: Anyway, Peril only has one minute to say yes to everything, but I think you all should let her sl-

Everyone: PERIL! WAKE UP!

Qibli: We need to work on my canon! I could shoot you to Pantala!

Kinkajou: There's more monkies!

Winter: I'm hungry again!

Umber: Same!

Aspen: Three, two, one, 24 hours is up!

Peril: No, no, no and ... You guessed it, NO.

Everyone: *starts snivelling* But we neeeeeed you!

*One day later*

Kinkajou: I handled those monkies myself, but now I have all of these weird scars on my back...

Qibli: I handled my cannon problem myself too, I paid others to get shot out of a canon!

Kinkajou: *sarcastically* You know, that's SO selfless, that I'm naming my new pet monkey after your weird passion, Cannon! *holds out a monkey with red eyes*

Qibli: Er... *runs*

Umber: I faced my ultimate fear of vegetables and now I can eat corn, but I wish I could have popcorn again...

Winter: You know, scavengers invented something that makes popcorn, you want me to show you? I'll charge you two cows.

Umber: Deal, it's not like I'm trading my brother, Clay! *laughs because that actually happened to Clay oof*

Moon: I can just put my books on the floor- Wait, I feel a vision coming on!

[In her vision:]

Vision Moon: *puts books on floor while looking for new books*

Vision Coconut: *trips over the books and gets a concussion*

*timeskip in the vision*

Vision Glory: I sentence you, Moonwatcher the NightWing, to a lifetime of jail for killing one of my subjects!

[Vision ends]

Turtle: Moon? Are you ok?

Moon: Nevermind... I'm never putting my books on the ground again.

Turtle: Ok...

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