insomnia cant help :chapter 1

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Ester wakes up in a cold sweat not hearing the world around her.  she rubs her eyes looking around the room, she hasn't been able to sleep probably in years being  diagnosed with chronic insomnia . she cant sleep just relying on her short dream to give her some relief . getting up to go meet cherry her best friend she's a popular social media influencer . she never really cared for that type of stuff  , she really just payed a attention to writing sh loved writing . hen she briefly had dreams she'd write them down turning them into little stories in her note book. she tried showing cherry but all she got was a dry response she would always say "oh that's cool" or "that's awesome Ester" never giving any incite in her writing  . But yet Ester always  at least try'd to show interest  in cherry's  work  in the internet . She just wanted some incite in her work. she was kinda upset but her and cherry had been friends for years of course Ester should forgive her some people aren't book people that's fine . she just wanted someone to be interested in her work  but its fine it doesn't matter . That night  she tried to sleep but she couldn't  . "damn insomnia " she said to herself  . she drifts off  entering  a world of magic she cant help but be amazed   . 


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