Chapter 9: OC & Challenges

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The Headmaster's Office, West Towers

General POV:

Albus Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard alive, was enjoying his sherbet lemon on a clear Saturday morning when Professors Snape, Sprout, McGonagall and Flitwick arrived.

With a brisk and clear voice, Dumbledore greeted:

"Minerva, Filius, Severus, Pomona. It's great to have you here. Have you found any talented new students? I hope Severus here found his class to be less, ah, so he says, a bunch of dunderheads."

With a stern glance at Snape, who did not meet her eyes, Professor McGonagall stated:

"I'm sure none of us think so badly of first-years. After all, most of them haven't even done magic before in their lives. However, in Transfigurations, there has been two excellent students this year: Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. Young Harry's talent is just like James, though the boy seems quite withdrawn from his peers, always thinking something else in class. There's no doubt for his thirst of knowledge, so there's no great cause of concern."

"You seem quite fortunate this year, Minerva. How about you, Filius?", asked Dumbledore, apparently satisfied from Professor McGonagall's report.

"I share the same evaluation as Minerva", the half-goblin replied, "those two also perform best among this year. Well, Mr Crabbe, Goyle and Weasley seems to struggle somewhat more with pronunciation and visualizing of complex spells. But even those three would pass Charms."

"As for Herbology, I really did not expect Mr Neville to take the lead. He seems a natural - his knack for taking care of plants and passion for it is unusual, especially since he's not a Hufflepuff.", said Pomona Sprout.

Dumbledore listened to the conversation half-heatedly. Though he was slightly disappointed to not find the unusual magic sensed at the Feast, Dumbledore was not disheartened. He was sure, after asking the portraits to report back, that the risk would be identified soon.

Nonetheless, that was not the only item on Dumbledore's list today.

"Everyone, there is a matter I would like to draw your attention to.", he announced, after which the voices slowly died out, the professors' gazes focused on Dumbledore. "Over the last week, I found that the Boy-Who-Lived is not so confident in himself," he nodded to Minerva McGonagall, "and I would like all students to do their best."

"I propose letting Mr. Longbottom enter the Griffindor Quidditch team to boost his self-esteem. Severus, is there any problem?"

"Nothing, only that I fear the boy would get an even bigger head than the one he has now. Mr. Longbottom has proved himself... inadequate in my lessons, and I fear Minerva here might suffer from having such a bumbling, clumsy new player.", Snape sneered, giving Professor McGonagall a look of fake sympathy.

"Enough with your games, Severus, I know the best for my house," continued the Transfiguration professor, "I would accept Mr. Longbottom in Griffindor team, so long as he proves himself this Sunday on his first flight lesson. Would that be reasonable, Headmaster?"

"I would wish no more a chance for the boy, Minerva", smiled Albus Dumbledore with a curious tinkle from his half-moon spectacles.

Harry's POV:

"How long do I have to wait until the next summon?", I asked the voice within my mind space.

"1 day, 8 hours and 17 minutes, sir. I would recommend coming back roughly after sun set tomorrow. With your progress, summoning Zed's armor would give you the remaining of the Shadow Master's abilities. Suit variants such as (Bionic) Galaxy Slayer, (Mechanical) Project or (Spiritual) Death Sworn are only unlocked after you summon the base one and earn enough OC (Otherworldly Currency), sir.", the voice answered.

"This is the first time I've heard of OC. How do I earn this currency, then?"

"You can earn this by completing simulated challenges in the mind space, sir. You must fulfill a particular objective while partially or fully using your powers. Your first mission earns extra OC and first purchase would only cost the amount you earnt from said mission, no matter the power of your variants/upgrades. Would you like to initiate the first challenge?"

Though its slightly disappointing that I can't get them by logging in or topping up, I suppose OC would get easier to farm as I grow stronger. If I could earn enough and buy Death Sworn Zed, in Harry Potter nothing could really fatally harm me - the same can be said for Galaxy Slayer, though only because of its great resistance rather than spiritual form.

From what the mission entails, it's possible that I have to fight enemies from other universes, which means there's no option that's always superior. For example, in a magically-scarce world such as Assassin's Creed or Spiderman, my advantage as a wizard is unparalleled while conversely, in Marvel or DC it would require much more cunning and local adaptations.

"Do I get to know my challenge objective and limitations beforehand?", I questioned the voice.

"Only the limitations to your power and the world in which you are sent to, sir. Time limit and mission objectives are unspecified, which means some might take an hour or several decades.", it stated in an expressionless voice.

"Your first challenge, should you chose to accept it, is set in a separate branch of this timeline, where Harry Potter is the Boy-Who-Lived."

Yeah, no. I don't think I should visit a timeline where I'm in the forefront of a war with the knowledge of an 11-year old. It would be better to return when my shadow techniques are polished and intuitive.

I returned to the real world, by the comfy chair near the fireplace. Hermione is sleeping peacefully nearby, all while still holding a book, "Quidditch Through the Ages."

Despite my attempts at soothing her anxiety, Hermione is incredibly nervous about Flight class, where none of the existing theories can help her. After I helped her tuck away the book and and giving her a few more pillows for the night, I returned to my silent dormitory.

Well, challenges, OC, special armors can be left for another time. I drifted into sleep blissfully as the pale silver sunlight reflected a light, almost negligible hint of scarlet. The untimely War looms closer still.

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