honey moon tickets

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Next day....

In morning while u and jungkook having breakfast
Jungkook received call from his mother he put call on speaker
Jungkook: hello eomma..
Mrs jeon: hello. jungkook how are u and my daughter in law
Jungkook ; yeah i am good
Yn : i am finee eomma
Mrs.jeon: i really wanted to meet u yn and jungkook so me and your father is coming tonight for dinner okay??
Yn: of course mom..
Jungkook : okay mom i will come early today
Then she hang up the phone
Yn : ok so byee jungkook
Then u hugged him and jungkook went without saying anything

Your pov:
Why this man is so rude??
Aish! Leave it he is so stubborn
Ah i have to do so many things for tonight let's go...

Tonight pov:
You heard doorbell and you went to open the door and saw jungkook standing there
He entered in house and sat on couch
You gave him  water

Jungkook: did mom and dad came yet?

Yn: oh no not yet. You can go and change
Jungkook : coldly hmm
Yn pouted
Yn; why did this man always have to be rude.
You came out from your thought when you hear doorbell .
You rushed toward door and open
You welcomed mr.and mrs jeon
Mrs.jeon: oh my daughter in law how are you ?
By saying this she engulf you in hug
Yn: mom i am good
Mr. Jeon : looks like someone forget me.

Yn: no dad why would i
By saying this you side hug him

Dining time...
Mr. Jeon: the food was really delicious yn.
Yn: thank you dad

Mrs. Jeon : jungkook and yn we both want you to give you something

You and jungkook both exchanged glance and look at to mom

Mrs.jeon: here is honeymoon tickets for paris for  5 days, go and enjoy and give us good news fastly

Your eyes widened and jungkook chocked in air

Jungkook: mom there is no need of that.
Yn:yeah mom

Mrs.jeon :stop jungkook you both are going that's final . Your flight is tommorrow so no arguments..

By saying this they both bid goodbye and went

Jungkook: go and start packing.

Yn : okay btw do you need any help?

Jungkook: No...

To be continue.....

Hey lovelies

I hope you loving it i put my all effort..
Beside that i am only 15 so please
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Love u guys🌝💓💓

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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