Day 1

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Day 1


"Wake up Lauren! I've already finished my school work for the day and you haven't even woken up! Lazy fatso!" says Dani. Oh god, I don't want to wake up. I'm so tired from last night. Having to record in the studio until 11pm. At least spending the whole day in the studio paid off as we got to finish recording one song for our new EP. I just can't wait for it to be released. The CimFam is going to love it!

"I'm waking up now so stop hitting me with the pillow you weenie!" I say.

"GET UP!!" shouts Dani one more time.


Finally I finish my schoolwork for the day. Being homeschooled is probably worse than being in public school. At least you have friends who you can work with on projects and assignments whereas, being homeschooled, you're all alone. It's good to be independent but sometimes it sucks to be alone.

"BBQ is starting! Katherine, go help mum marinate the chicken. Lisa, stop painting your nails and go help out in the kitchen as well. Amy, call Angela to see where she is now. Lauren, you can set out the table. Dani, help Lauren" Christina, being the bossy princess she is, says.

"But Christina! Now that I've started painting my nails I can't just go and do something else! It has to dry first" complains Lisa. Which reminds me...

"Lisa's right. And Christina, Angela is MY best friend so shouldn't I be checking up on her?"

"Oh, just sort yourselves out puh-lease!" Christina says as she rolls her eyes. Christina has been acting pretty weird and crazy these days. Probably because she hasn't heard from her boyfriend, Nick, in 2 weeks. She gets really emotional without hearing from Nick. They make such a cute couple.

Ding, Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong!

"Oh my god! Angela's here!" I scream as I rush to the door. Angela Malek and I have been best friends for almost more than 3 years now. She's the best girl friend you can ever have!

"Aaahhhh Angela, oh god I haven't seen you in AGES!" I squeal, practically strangling her to death.

"Wow, somebody is getting cray cray with me in the house!" she says back. There Angela stands wearing a dark blue graphic tee with a red denim jacket over the top and black jeans. I absolutely love her fashion sense! Every day Angela is wearing something sassy and new.

"Well? Don't just stare at me. Let me in the house!" she says.

"Haha whoops, sorry"

"ANGELAAAA!!" Dani and Amy cry in unison as they rush over to hug Angela.


12pm and the party has already started. The guys are crowding around the BBQ having a good laugh and we young ladies are are giggling around and having a great time.


Well, the BBQ went by pretty fast. Now everyone was just lounging around being bored.

"Hey, does anyone want their nails painted?" asked Lisa. Nobody replied.

"Anyone?" Lisa asked again.

"I'm bored. Let's go to the beach!" suggested Amy.

"Yeah guys, let's go to the beach!" I say, already getting up to get my swimsuit and stuff.

"Great idea!" Katherine smiles.


"Watch out, water bomb coming in your way Lauren!" Dani says.

Splash! There goes my face. Splash! Ow, again in the face. Splash! In the knees now.

"Aaahh, stop it!!!" I say, laughing uncontrollably.

Just then, someone covers my eyes with their hands.

"Guess who?" says a very manly voice.

"Dad?" I guess

"Do I REALLY sound like dad, Laur?"

"Oh it was you, Lisa. And yes, you could be an old man disguised as a teen for all I know" I say.

"Funny child" Katherine says quietly.


"Oh my god Amy, are you okay?!" Dani screams.

Uh oh. Amy's down on the ground looking as if she's in extreme pain. Everyone rushes up to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine guys" Amy replies quietly.

"Are you sure Ames?" Christina asks.

"Yes, 99% sure" Amy tells us confidently.

"And how about the other 1%?" says Lisa

"Very funny!" says Amy while rolling her eyes.

"Alright kids, time to go home!" Mum calls out.


The Cimorelli household is in full on "Crazy" mode as the clock strikes 8pm. I check my mentions and DMs on Twitter. The CimFam is so funny, always making us laugh.

"Hey, let's dance to Believe It!" Amy calls out. She's perfectly fine after her fall earlier on the beach. As Believe It blasts on full volume, I log off Twitter and go join the dance floor (which is the carpet) along with Dani, Amy, Lisa, Christina and Katherine.


How is Lisa always on FormSpring and Twitter at this time of night? Doesn't she ever get tired? And Dani too, always blasting on One Direction and BTR. I'm extremely tired from the BBQ and the beach so I climb into bed and close my eyes, just thinking of our EP and the CimFam.


Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment if you want me to keep on going. This is my first fanfic and as you can probably tell, I suck.

A Week In The Cimorelli Household with Lauren CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now