0 | Prologue

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What to expect from this going forwards: Remember, I'm new to the fandom and I don't know most. Especially backstories. Please tell me if I get anything wrong with backstories.

Second, this book will have the following: Gore, blood, trauma, panic attacks, fluff, swearing, inconsistent writing style and more.

am I writing exactly 16 books at the same time? Yes, yes I am.

The POV should be obvious who it is, I won't say though.

Please enjoy the book.

I'm starving. They haven't fed me in days. Mister snarky right behind me had been yapping my head off for the past few hours and made me lash out.

Thus resulting in a punishment.

No food for a week...

"How's life with no food, bud?" The guy behind me began speaking. "It's fun, right S-427?"

S-427... I hate this name they've given us. While I am S-427, he was S-428. We were both caught at the same time. Along with a few others.

Luckily, this name is only temporary. Once we get sold to some dirty scum, we won't be called this anymore.

We will however... be called whatever our new 'owner' chooses.

for now, we're stuck with these. The same numbers that are engraved on our cages.

"You think we will get bought soon?" S-428 spoke up, his voice sounding weak from not using it for a few days.

We've been here for who knows how long now. Most of the others have already been bought but yet him and I are still here.

I sighed, running a shaking hand down my face.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I hope we do..."

A bit of silence filled the air after I spoke, but S-428 filled it with his voice. "Don't look so down, bud. We'll get out eventually. We always bounce back!"

A soft weak chuckle escaped my mouth. "Yeah, you're right. We'll get out eventually. Just... Got to wait is all."

"That's the spirit!"

A loud bang interrupted us, making me flinch.

"QUIET DOWN YOU INSUFFERABLE MONGRELS! DON'T MAKE ME USE FORCE!" The voice echoed off the walls but I already knew that he was close.

I shivered at the thought of what he'd do and curled in on myself, I was not about to be punished even more, they might refuse to give me food for even longer. Or worse... They'll drag me to room 8.

That's the place where all the pain happens... I don't want that.

Guard 16 is the one that hates us the most. I would know because he's the one that punishes us the most. Sadly, he's the one on duty today.

I scratch at my hip, but freeze upon coming across a certain area. A small area on my pelvic bone. A place where it most hurt. Not physically, no. Flashes of the past and what they did to me came to me and I quickly removed my hand, deciding to place it on the ground instead.

That small area was an area they decided to place a chip of some sort. Said it was the cause of me being so weak. That only my owner could shut it off.

Screams, hands gripping me, the smell of burning. It all came to me in a flash. My breathing grew heavy and I gripped my skull, begging for it to go away.

...But it didn't.

I was forced to relive the whole thing once again. Forced upon me by my own mind.

I just want to leave.

I just want all this to end

Caged Monstrosities | Horror Sans x Gender Neutral Reader | Slave AUWhere stories live. Discover now