7 | Anger

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The darkness of the warehouse and the coldness of the ground made Horror feel uncomfortable. It's been at least a few hours over the time [Name] usually comes. At least... he thinks so. When you've been locked inside with no proper windows, it's hard to know what time of day it is. All he knows is it's dark outside, meaning they should've been here by now.

"They left us," Killer declared with a low growl. "You should've expected this Horror."

Horror glanced at Killer, observing the monster seated with his back to him. "I...I thought-"

"You thought wrong!" Killer interrupted, frustrated that Horror couldn't grasp the situation.

Killer knew that this would happen. He warned the human and look where it got him. This was probably his fault, if Horror hadn't interacted with the human in the first place then he wouldn't get so attached.

Its his fault that he bonded with the human, not Killer's. If Horror didn't want to feel betrayed then he would've followed Killer's warnings. Humans are dangerous and will use them, that's all monsters will be good for. Humans put them in this situation, like hell he's going to believe a human will get them out.

A slight sniffle caught Killer's attention, making him look over his shoulder at Horror seeing the skeleton curled up with his head between his knees. Killer pauses for a second before letting out an audible groan and reaching through the bars to tap Horror's shoulder. 

Horror flinched a bit upon feeling Killer, whipping his head around to face him, only calming down a tad bit upon seeing it was just the other skeleton. Killer's gaze softened when he saw Horror's face, the poor skeleton had a few stray tears falling down his face. 

Killer hesitated, his sockets filled with a mix of sympathy and frustration as he watched Horror struggle with the harsh reality before them.

"Hey... um..." Killer's voice was hesitant, a rare note of uncertainty betraying his usual stoic demeanor. He was unsure of how to comfort Horror in this moment of vulnerability. Maybe he went too far, maybe his brutal honesty only served to deepen the wounds of abandonment that Horror now grappled with.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell," Killer's words were sincere, a rare admission of fault from the monster who often relied on his tough exterior to shield his own emotions.

Horror sniffled, his voice fragile. "I know... I just- I thought that maybe they would be different... They treated us so well... so... nice... I-"

Killer felt a pang in his ribcage at the raw emotion in Horror's voice. "I understand. Horror, they left us. It's been well over twenty-four hours since they've left. A good day and a half at least. They've abandoned us, just admit it. You just need to admit that they've left and are not coming back."

Horror's empty eye sockets glistened with unshed tears as he grappled with the harsh reality that Killer presented. The silence between them was heavy.

"I-... No, they... they have to come back... they promised," Horror's voice wavered.

Killer's gaze floated off to the side. He knew the pain of shattered hope all too well, the bitter taste of betrayal lingering on his metaphorical tongue. But he also knew the importance of facing reality, no matter how harsh it may be. For now, they have each other.


It's been a few days now, the hunger pains have returned and Horror's mind has been invaded with thoughts. He's admitted long ago that the human wasn't going to come back, he's admitted that he shouldn't have trusted them.

Horror felt starved and hungry. He had long ripped off the bandages covering his neck, he just didn't feel as though they were 'clean'. He felt that the bandages were itchy on his bones and made him feel dirty, gross even.

Killer had fallen asleep a few fours ago, not wanting to stay awake and waste energy. Horror felt betrayed. He thought that the human was different. He thought the human was nice. He thought wrong.

Horror picked at his head hole, feeling a need to get his mind off this. Horror knew that he was talking himself down, just like Killer was, however he just couldn't get his mind off the idea that this was his fault.

If he hadn't hurt the human in the first place then maybe he wouldn't have to deal with all of this. He wouldn't have had a small taste of freedom only for it to be pulled back away from him.

A slight bit of blood wet Horror's fingers, making him pull away from his crack. Shit, he messed up again. He's no good for anything, he can't even stop himself from ruining his body.

Horror sighed, leaning against the bars of his enclosure. He closed his eyes, exhaling softly before attempting to fall asleep, despite knowing that he most likely will not be able to fall asleep tonight. Horror knows that thoughts will cloud his mind all night, he just hopes they won't be too bad.


The sound of footsteps woke Killer up from his sleep, making him go on high alert. The human shouldn't be here...

They abandoned him and Horror, leaving them to wither in their confinement.... and they have never come here during the day, they've always come during the night and left in the morning, he could tell that from the way the light was showing through the cracks in the building.

Killer was ready. Though trapped, his spirit remained unyielding, a facade of toughness masking the vulnerability that lay beneath.

This can't be the human, this has to be someone else. Another sign of this is that the person didn't make themselves known. Normally they would call out or knock on the wall. Killer had heard none of that. Yet another reason not to trust this.

The person stepped forwards, out of the shadows. Killer's eyes widened as he stood in shock at what he saw. No... this-this can't be him. Killer got rid of him, he saw it with his own eye sockets!

This is not possible, it can't be possible!

Panic gripped Killer's essence as he stood frozen, the air heavy with disbelief.


Sorry. This chapter is half as long as it should be. I wanted to get something out for you guys cuz I haven't updated in a while.

Also, yay. Cliffhanger. So original.

Caged Monstrosities | Horror Sans x Gender Neutral Reader | Slave AUWhere stories live. Discover now