DIY Acne Face Mask!

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So, this is a personal tip of mine, that I've recently been using, and I absolutely love it! AND IT'S ONLY THREE INGREDIENTS! I do suffer from slight acne on my forehead, and from popping them (NEVER DO THAT) I've left acne scars and my mom came up with this face mask actually. I've been using it for a week so far, and I have to tell you, it's absolutely amazing. The acne scars have faded and some of the acne is becoming less. 


- Turmeric Powder. 

- Honey

- Rose Water


- Take about a spoon to half a spoon full of turmeric powder, and mix it with a spoon full of honey. 

- Keep mixing until it becomes a yellow-ish paste, kind of thick. 

- Apply it on your face, careful, use the back of a spoon or a brush to apply it on because it does stain your hands yellow. 

- Keep it on your face for about 20 minutes or so. 

- Wash your face with warm water. 

- After, spray or apply rose water with a cotton ball all over your face. 


- Turmeric powder does leave a yellow stain behind, so if you find your face to be yellow afterwards, pour milk in a bowl and get cotton balls and scrub the milk on your face until the yellow goes away. (Don't worry, milk is actually good for your skin, as well!)

- And then apply the rose water. 

Hey guys, if I made a YouTube channel, would you guys actually watch it?

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