Chapter 2: Bite and New Girl

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"Heyyy... dad." Hope said, awkwardly to her father the morning after getting caught out in the woods.

"Yeah, that's gotta be awkward." Lydia said with a little nod.

"It was a bit awkward." Hope amused her friend.

"Hey, sweetie." Her dad replied with a tired sigh.

"Dad. I'm really about last night, I just wanted to... I don't even know." Hope apologized. "It was dumb, I just got a little too excited about something actually happening."

"Hope, you're fine." Noah told his daughter with a smile. "Alls forgiven."

"Cool, so I'm not grounded?" Hope asked with a sly grin.

"No but please do mind my privacy." He replied to her question.

"The hell is that?" Dean asked, making the auburn haired girl laugh.

"You got it." She winked, before heading to school.


"How much trouble did you get in?" Scott asked as soon as he saw her.

"Not as much as you'd think." She replied with a smile. "He said to mind his privacy. But not grounded. So a win for me and you."

"Let's see how long that last." Scott mumbles under his breath, thinking she can't hear him.

Hope hit her best friend with a glare. "Dude!"

"Hey! Ow!" Scott yelped.

"You deserve that!"


"You know what!"

"Anyway... let's see this thing you kept me up all night with." She changed the subject.

Scott lefts up his shirt to show Hope his bite wound, which is covered with gauze and tape that has a small amount of blood leaking through.

"Holy shit!"

Hope pokes the bandage, which causes Scott to flinch in pain.

"Hope!" Melissa yelled, glaring at the teen.

"What? I was curious!" Hope defended herself, crossing her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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