...And A Warning?

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Honestly, it was calming to see the whole team together again.
Since our reunion at PlayCare, we've just been dividing ourselves. And dividing only brought greater problems.
So, until the situation forces us, I do not plan to separate myself from the rest, and I do not plan to let anyone separate from the group.

We had found a quiet place to rest comfortably. A few like Bubba and Kickin were overcome by fatigue and ended up falling asleep. Others like Bobby, Picky and Hoppy were busy catching up on everything that had happened. CraftyCorn had stayed with LuckyLlama, and I also eventually went with them to inform LuckyLlama of the things that happened.

But my attention, my watchful eye, was on CatNap.
He stood aside, meek, doing nothing except wagging his tail gently from time to time, with that smiling and bizarre expression.
I didn't trust him one bit. I knew that, at any moment, he was going to betray us. The problem is that I don't know when that time will come. So I have to make sure he doesn't do anything that puts the others in danger.

When I saw that tranquility prevailed in the group, I decided to start thinking about a plan on my own, and present it when everyone rested a little more.
CraftyCorn went with the other girls, and I stayed with LuckyLlama.
I thought for a while, but every plan I could think of was interrupted by some flaw.
I almost despaired, but LuckyLlama soon caught on to my nervous state. He took out a notebook and began to scribble what seemed like a few lines.
Soon, the lines were forming what looked like a map.

DogDay: Umm...May I ask what are you doing?

He didn't show me his notebook yet.
It was a map...but of what?

LuckyLlama began to write down some names inside what could be the rooms.
When he finished, he ended up showing me the notebook.

DogDay: Um, what does this mean?

He then wrote something at the upper part of the page.

I soon understood.
He had drawn the whole hideout of the Rejected Critters!
I couldn't imagine that place being that big...no wonder we got lost once or twice.

DogDay: Impressive! How come you remember all the rooms and their functions?

He shrugged, smiling a tiny bit.
I tried to pay close attention to the type of rooms there were.
The complex was made up of two large hallways. The four Rejected Critters had their own sector each. Most of the sectors had an unnamed room- I assumed they were not very important- and a cell, but three of the sectors had soundproof rooms, and other special rooms, like a power zone, a medical bay, a studio and a room with supplies.
The exits were also numbered.

We could make a plan based on this!

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We could make a plan based on this!

I went to look for the others, and when we were all there, we decided to build a plan together.

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