✧˖° 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫

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~ "Absolutely unbelievable." I mutter to myself as I get out of my car and walk towards the building. I have to cover at the sister nursery today because they're short staffed. Which I usually wouldn't mind, but right now, Reece is off sick, along with a LOT of their staff, and MIA is covering for him as manager. Out of all the staff there, why does she get to make the decisions? It's ridiculous. I'd rather Siobhan than her. Although, I haven't actually spoken to Mia much, but after the stories Carly has been telling me, I'm not sure I want to. And I definitely don't think she should be in charge of a building full of children. I don't even understand why she was hired in the first place. Everyone seems to think it's because she has some kind of ties to the owner, Reece's dad. Which really does makes sense. From what I've heard, she's a horrible person, I'm really just hoping I don't have to interact with her much today.

~ Another day filling in as manager. Great. Time to sit at a desk all day and wait for a parent to start yelling at me, or the phone to ring for the umpteenth time. I don't even want to work here. After I was let go from my last job, I was hoping Rodger wouldn't be able to get me off the hook again. Prison would have at least given me a break from the absolute trainwreck my life is at the moment. But nope, all charges dropped, now he's making me work at Reece's nursery! Deputy manager as well, for gods sake I can't catch a break. He's had me trying to manipulate reece's relationships from the second I arrived. Why can't he stand the fact his children might become close again? They're both grown adults. If I didn't need rodger's help to find my dad he would be a dead man. He's a vile person.

~ Today's going okay so far. Besides Mia, the staff are all lovely here now. I guess we can thank Reece for that, he got rid of the horrible ones. The day's been going pretty smoothly. I can leave soon when another member of staff arrives to start their shift. Then I can get home and have the house to myself, for once. Just peace and quiet without my husband or the kids. I've just got to get through the rest of my shift. This should be a pretty easy day, it's been going alright so far.
Well! Just as I say that, Sylvia looks like she's struggling to breathe. I need to get her inhaler for her, and.. oh for goodness sake, I have to call somebody to witness it; there's nobody else in the room. This nursery is so short staffed today. I'm just going to have to ring the office and pray that, by some miracle, somebody besides Mia is in there right now.

~ I let out an exasperated sigh and slump back down into the office chair. This is my third argument with a parent today. They're all so fucking unreasonable. I need a minute of peace. Just one minute to relax.
Well just as I say that the phone's ringing. How ironic. I really can't be bothered dealing with that crap anymore.   "Yes?" I say , kind of irritated, picking up the phone.
I hear Charlotte from the sister nursery on the other end. I haven't spoken to her much, she seems like a bit of a pushover though; always getting walked all over. I can tell she has her opinions of me by the way she responded to me. "Hi.. Mia." She sounded disappointed to hear my voice on the other end. She tells me that Sylvia's on the verge of having an asthma attack and I need to go and witness the inhaler because it's prescribed. "Fine, I'll be there in a second" I say.

~ Great. Mia. I wasn't expecting anybody else but I really don't like the sound of her, I don't want to speak to her. She picks up straight away. "Yes?", she says, with a slightly annoyed tone. Honestly what a polite and respectful way to answer the phone, gosh. I can tell Carly's right about her. I tell her to come and witness me giving the inhaler and she said she'll be there in a second. "Okay, great" I say, putting the phone down to go and comfort sylvia.
Mia walks in. "Hi Charlotte."
I show her the inhaler and the sign in form, and I go to give Sylvia the inhaler. That's when I hear the "Um, not so fast." come from Mia. What on earth is her problem?
She points out a technicality with the spelling of the name and I assure her that the inhaler IS for sylvia, and that her name is wrong on our paperwork, which is exactly what her mother told me earlier this morning. Then she says "You can't give it to her." This is EXACTLY what I couldn't be bothered dealing with. Sylvia is struggling to breathe and all she cares about is the spelling on the paperwork.

~ I head down to the room to witness Charlotte give the inhaler. She hands me the sign in form and the prescription. I scan it and realise the name is spelt wrong. We have her as Sylvia Micheals on our register; the prescription is for Sylvia Micheal. I explain to charlotte that this is a huge legal issue because, as far as paperwork is concerned, we're giving Sylvia something that's not prescribed to her. We'd be held responsible. Charlotte explains what Sylvia's mother had told her earlier. It's at this point I realise Sylvia really does need her inhaler and the paperwork doesn't matter anymore. But I thought I'd test Charlotte, just for fun, something to make my day a bit more interesting I suppose.  "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but there's literally nothing we can do".   Surprisingly, she stood her ground straight away and gave Sylvia her inhaler. She even told me to do one. I was really impressed. But then again, what's the alternative, let her struggle to breathe? She was just being human and doing what was best. I told her that she's taking the fall for it if we get sued. She looked me dead in the eyes and said, "It's a price i'll gladly pay."
I looked her up and down. I didn't mean to check her out like that but..  "Who knew charlotte had a backbone?"

~ I gave Sylvia the inhaler and told Mia to do one. I would have worded that a lot more strongly if we weren't around children. She looked me up and down, I think she was checking me out, at least it seemed like it. "Who knew charlotte had a backbone?" she said. She gave me a flirty look and left the room. That interaction was confusing. I don't understand her. I watched her walk away. Then I smiled to myself as I thought that Winter would be so proud of me for standing my ground against somebody like Mia.

~ I couldn't help but think about that interaction with Charlotte for the rest of the day. It kept playing in my head. I'm not sure why. But I was just really impressed with how she handled the situation. Considering she's usually such a pushover, standing up for herself like that just made me take a liking to her. She might honestly be the only tolerable member of staff from the sister nursery. They all hate me over there. No doubt Charlotte does as well, she just doesn't outwardly show it. She's probably scared of me. Is it bad that I find that cute..?

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