✧˖° 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 - 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞

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~ I can't stop thinking about Mia. I've been avoiding her as much as possible. But the more I try to run away from it, the faster it chases me. Mia won't get out of my head; it's a constant battle with my own mind, trying to figure out my own feelings. How do I not know my OWN feelings? I can't avoid her forever, I can't deal with the guilt of the fact I left that morning. Every time Marjorie asks me to cover at the sister nursery, I make up some excuse, get out of it however I can. I can't deal with facing Mia after abandoning her like that. I was just so overwhelmed.. I feel awful about it. I couldn't bare to look her in the eyes; she must have felt horrible after waking up.

~ It's been almost 2 weeks since that night, and I still haven't seen Charlotte. She's avoiding me. I know she is. I know she's scared of me...
I hate not seeing her, and I can't stop replaying that night in my mind, honestly just trying to remember. Did I do something to her? Say something to her? I was so wasted.. the whole night is a blur. I'm staring to wish it had never happened, because at least she'd still speak to me. She avoids covering here. I've tried to make it happen so many times. Reece is coming back soon, so I won't have any power, and it will be hopeless. I'll never get to talk to her or see her. Although, I am quite ready for Reece to come back; I'm getting sick of the responsibilities of being a manager.
I have another meeting later today, with Rodger and Marjorie. I'm assuming this means I FINALLY win my holiday. I need to be in Spain, away from Charlotte. I need this distraction.

~ I'm in the office with Autumn; Marjorie has gone for a meeting. As I sit in the awkward silence, Mia still plays on my mind... that night plays on my mind. I remember every little detail... down to the pictures on the fridge. I look over at Autumn as I remember the picture of Reece, her, and Mia...
"Autumn..?" I begin. I don't even know what to ask her; I haven't thought that far ahead.
She looks up at me with an intimidating stare.
"Yes?" She replies, inquisitively raising her eyebrow.
"What were... Reece and Mia like... before prom?"
Autumn stops what she's doing and shoots me a look that can only be described as a death stare.
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh.. I, honestly was just wondering," I say, shrugging and nervously laughing.   "Popped into my head, that's all."
"I don't care for small talk, Charlotte. Especially small talk ... about my brother."
Autumn is terrifying; if she doesn't want to talk about it, I won't talk about it. I sigh and lay back in the chair. Mia still consuming my thoughts.

~ I walk into the meeting and sit down. Luckily for me, Marjorie arrives about 20 seconds later. We give eachother a nasty glare as Rodger begins speaking,
"Right ladies, I set you both the task to see who could be the most improved nursery after two weeks, and I have to say, I have some very interesting results.."
I smile to myself, he's about to say I've won, and I'll get my holiday, my distraction from Charlotte. Marjorie was struggling with that nursery two weeks ago. She can't have caught up that quickly.
"We have a tie."
My heart drops.
I hear a sarcastic, "Whatt?"  from Marjorie and it takes everything in me not to lean over and throttle her.
"Marjorie, evidently you were able to catch up incredibly well."
I'm absolutely gutted. I've been preparing for this holiday for two weeks, I even ordered some new bikinis. Why did I get my hopes up so much?
"So as promised.. as both nurseries have won, I've booked a double room."
He's got to be joking.
"A double room.."  I asked, the anger and disappointment in my voice extremely noticeable.
"Yes."  Rodger replies.
"I am not going on holiday, and sharing a room with HER." I say, pointing at Marjorie.
"Who said YOU were going on holiday..?"
What does she mean. It's a tie. He's booked a double room.. that means we're going together...
I explain that to Marjorie. Then turn to Rodger,
"I'm not going, if SHE'S going."
"You're not going at all."  Comes a familiar voice, that makes my heart sink even more.
Reece walks over from the doorway.
"It was the nursery MANAGERS who got to go on this trip depending on who won."
Great. So I don't get my holiday, AND I'm going to be acting manager still. This is not what I need right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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