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From a young age, I never talked and rarely interacted with people from 'the outside world'. I kept my nose in my sketchbook as I found art to be my peace, my world. Though, I still kept one friend around, Navi Rivers. I met him early in elementary school, it was safe to say I had a little school-girl crush on him. He ended up disappearing some years after we met, and though it was saddening, I hoped we would meet again one day. I spent the rest of my days exploring my imagination; writing what I thought and drawing what I saw, and as the years went passed I realized I still couldn't stop thinking about him.

One day in high school I noticed a tall, somewhat familiar, figure sitting outside as I walked up to the front door and though it had been years since I last saw him, I just had a gut feeling it was him. I stopped in front of the man with a curious look. "Navi..?" I asked nervously. I could've been wrong, I could've walked up to a stranger, but then he looked up at me with that smile I could never forget. "Rayena.. long time, no see." He stood up and embraced me almost as if he had been waiting all these years to hold me again. "Too long.." I sighed, squeezing him lightly and taking in his familiar scent. "..don't you EVER leave me like that again." I scowled as he laughed light-heartedly and defensively put his hands up. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry.. never again. I hated every second anyway." He placed a kiss on the top of my head and led me over to the bench to sit me down.

Any chance I could, I would take an art class to enhance my practices and learn more about the history of it all. It just so happened that this was the year he transferred back into town, and he was going to the same school, let alone having the same art class schedule as me. He always knew I had a passion for drawings, often showing him my art way back when, so a part of me hoped it wasn't just fate bringing us together again. We sat there reminiscing and chatting about what was new in our lives until we noticed the sun was no longer out. "It's gotten late, I should be headed home.. my mother must be worried sick."he sighed as he got up, holding his arms out to welcome me. I reluctantly pushed myself into his arms, holding onto him for dear life as if I would never see him again. When pulling away, I handed my phone to him. "At least give me a way to talk to you.. if my rambling and bugging wouldn't bother you." He chuckled at me and happily took my phone, adding his number with a huge smile before handing it back. "You could never bother me, Ray." His words made me giddy, and I think he could tell I was still crushing hard on him. With all that said and done, he hugged me once more before heading home, just as my mom pulled up.

When I got home, I immediately messaged him and to my surprise, he messaged me back just as quickly. He wanted to call me, and I didn't hesitate to agree, so we sat talking to each other once again for hours. We even played a few games together on our computers, it was such a nice change having my best friend back. I could feel my cheeks aching and burning from how much I was smiling, knowing damn well that my little elementary school crush on him was a flickering spark that was constantly being fueled into a roaring fire, his voice and being around him just had that effect on me. I decided that I couldn't just let this go, that this could be my only chance, it was now or never. "Hey, Navi? I need to tell you something.. and I'm kind of nervous about it because I don't want to lose you again.."I whispered into the microphone, my hands clasping together as I tried to hold back my anxiety. "Come on, Ray.. you know you could tell me anything and I would never leave."he spoke softly. I could tell he was worried about what I would say next even though he tried to hide it. With a deep breath in and out and a few moments of composing myself, I finally said the words. "I have liked you for a while now.. being away from you for so long, missing you for all those years, and now finally being in your presence again has just completely grounded that fact. Now, you can hate me or think I'm weird because it's almost like we just met for the first time, but I know how I feel. I have dated here and there but I have never felt something so.. life-changing."I stopped myself to not make the situation any worse, breathing heavily from the words that just spewed from my lips. My ears and cheeks both heated up while his breathing within the silence filled the room as I awaited his reaction. My heart pounded in my chest as he asked for a moment and, soon after, hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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