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"It-it's like this game of tug-a-war," Niall admits turning from his spot by the window, he smiles letting his fingers trail from his shoulder down his arm with a hum, "And I like that there's no winner," he adds meeting the burning hazel eyes across the room, they belong to a raven-haired man laying in the bed with sheets pooled around his legs.

He's simply watching the blonde with a smile painted to his features, "If I sign you does that mean I win?" he muses, Niall giggles crossing the room toward him, he sways his hips letting Zayn's button-up dance on his smaller frame, "Only," he starts kneeling on the bed planting his lips to Zayn's, "If I submit," he finishes, Zayn's hand hold's Niall's head, caressing it in his hand as he stares into the ocean orbs, "You'd submit to me,"

Using the end of the towel to wipe the steam from the mirror, Liam stares pitifully at his reflection. His eyes remained puffy - post meltdown from the ceremony and plummet to sub-space for safety. Letting his chocolate eyes flicker across his face he grimaced seeing his barren cheeks, he longed for stubble to appear to age him. Liam wanted a change.

He pushes the hair that hung on his forehead upwards creating a faux quiff, he huffs seeing it deflate immediately when he lets his hands drop. Harry had full control over the boy's appearance, and while he normally preferred a clean-cut look, he'd let Liam get by without a trip to the salon for just shy of three months, the longest the boy's gone since he'd been signed.

Liam remembers even in the academy he'd be pulled out every other Tuesday and spend the afternoon with his master having his hair shortened, nails manicured, and body waxed, Harry liked his submissive smooth.

Chewing on his bottom lip in thought Liam's gaze trickles down the mirror to his towel sitting snuggly wrapped around his waist, he furrows his eyebrows letting the towel drop to the floor staring at his member with curiosity.

He can't remember the last time he felt hard.

Sniffling at the sudden prick of tears his impromptu morning thoughts brought him, he shakes his head retrieving his towel from the floor and securing it once more before retreating to his bedroom from his and Niall's ensuite.

Seeing the clothes his Master had laid out for him on his bed like every morning, Liam plasters a smile pulling his briefs into place followed by his pants.

Teasingly the baby blue sweater Harry had chosen for him lays on his bed, Liam glares at the piece of clothing with abrupt hatred, he didn't want to wear that today.

He didn't want to wear anything his master had touched.

Liam whimpers at the harsh thought that had seemingly sprung from nothing, he doesn't recall why he is so upset with Harry his owner has done nothing to him. Liam was the one who slipped into subspace without permission, he deserved every lick Zayn gave him. The submissive was unloveable, it's a miracle he was even signed for, Liam reminds himself of this as he inhales deeply feeling his hands beginning to shake as the room spins from his spot in front of his bed.

"I think Master Zayn is having an affair," Harry announces at breakfast. He sits at the head of the table, Zayn normally across from him with Liam in the middle resigned to providing as little conversation as possible. Zayn made it clear from the start the submissive was made to be seen, not heard.

"Wh-why Ma-master," Liam stutters in reply, he pales fearing Harry's response, "Because Liam, I know my husband." Harry mutters picking at the eggs, "Do you know anything?"

"No sir," Liam assures, "I-I would-"

"You wouldn't tell me, for one Zayn would demand that you didn't, and for two you'd be scared of hurting me. You're innocence Liam is partly why I picked you," Harry retorts setting the fork down leaning closer to the submissive, "So Master is going try again," he starts meeting the chocolate orbs, "Is Master Zayn having an affair?"

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