Midnight Snack

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The Malfoy cabin stands secluded amidst a winter wonderland, its rustic charm a stark contrast to the frosty landscape that surrounds it. Inside, a cozy fire crackles in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the dimly lit room. You find yourself amidst the company of familiar faces and one not so welcome: Blaise Zabini.

You can't help but tense at the sight of him, memories of a past incident during your third year still fresh in your mind. It had been blown out of proportion, a petty squabble turned into a bitter rivalry that seemed to define your interactions ever since. Despite the festive atmosphere, the tension between you and Blaise is palpable, a silent standoff that threatens to overshadow the holiday cheer.

You turn to Pansy, grateful for the invitation yet unable to ignore your discomfort. "I could've done without Blaise," you murmur with irritation.

Pansy offers a sympathetic smile, but her response offers little solace. "You know Draco and Blaise are practically inseparable. There was no way he wouldn't be here," she says, her tone apologetic. "Just try to make the best of it, Giselle."

You nod, though the prospect of spending the weekend with your rival doesn't exactly fill you with holiday cheer.

"Make the best of it?" you echo, unable to hide the incredulity in your voice. "I'll try, but no promises."

Pansy chuckles softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Just steer clear of each other, alright? We're here to relax, not to rehash old grudges."

You offer a half-hearted nod, though you know avoiding Blaise entirely will be easier said than done. "Fine, fine. I'll keep my distance," you concede, though the thought of spending the weekend tip-toeing around Blaise doesn't sit well with you.

As you voice your frustrations to Pansy, across the room, Blaise, Draco, and Lorenzo engage in their own conversation, their banter echoing amidst the crackling of the fire.

"Can you believe Pansy invited Giselle?" Blaise mutters to Draco, a scowl marring his usually composed features. "Of all people, she had to bring her along."

Draco raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in his silver eyes. "What's wrong with Giselle?" he asks, though he already knows the answer.

Blaise scoffs, his frustration evident. "She's insufferable, that's what. Always has been," he grumbles.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo saunters over, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, come on, Blaise," he interjects, his voice laced with mischief. "We all know the real reason you and Giselle can't stand each other is because of all that pent-up sexual tension."

Blaise rolls his eyes and scoffs at Lorenzo's observation. "Don't be ridiculous, Enzo," he retorts, his tone defensive. "It's that fucking mouth of hers. She always has to have the last word."

Draco chuckles at Blaise's response, finding amusement in his friend's discomfort. "Careful, Blaise," he quips, a smirk playing on his lips. "You might just find yourself enjoying that mouth of hers if you're not careful."

Blaise shoots Draco a scowl, his cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. "Shut up, Draco," he grumbles.

Meanwhile, across the room, you listen to their conversation your eyes narrowing at Blaise's comment about your "fucking mouth."

Unable to let the comment slide entirely, you retort in a cool tone, "Watch your words, Zabini. You might find that mouth of mine isn't something to be trifled with."

Across the room, Luna's gentle voice interrupts the brewing tension, her plea for peace tinged with a soft sincerity. "Come now, let's not ruin the holiday spirit with unnecessary conflict," she says, her eyes darting between you and Blaise with a pleading expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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