High s*x with JJ Maybank

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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language high!reader, smoking weed, friends to lovers, flirting, kissing, hair pulling, biting, scratching, semi rough actions, filth

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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language high!reader, smoking weed, friends to lovers, flirting, kissing, hair pulling, biting, scratching, semi rough actions, filth



You followed JJ's hand as it moves closer to you, "Want another hit, sweetheart?" Your eyes move up to his and you smirk. You were indeed a lightweight, and JJ knew that, so you just wanted to prove him wrong.

You took the joint from his fingers and took another, longer than intended drag. You hold it in as you hand the joint back of the red eyes squinted, blonde boy sitting next to you.

You exhale the smoke and cough slightly, laying a hand on your chest, "That one burned." JJ sits up and quickly hands you a water, "Here. Drink this." He unscrews the cap and hands you the bottle, "Here."

You take if from him and bring it to your lips, taking a big sip. Water dribbles down your cheek but you can't help but giggle.

"Can dress you up but we can't can't ya out, now can we?" JJ jokes as he swipes the water off your skin with his thumb. Something felt different. The atmosphere feels like it shifted or something because now there's tension.

Sexual tension, yeah you and JJ have hooked up a few times before - okay. A lot of times before - anytime you can get actually, just like tonight.

You lean back, tilting your head up to look at you, "You're one to talk,Jayj." He huffs, plopping back down on the couch, "I think I look pretty great all the time. Even when I'm bruised and bloody."

You couldn't lie, you thought JJ was hot as fuck. You were blessed that he barely had a shirt on while just hanging out around the Château, even though he's caught you looking on multiple occasion.

"You know." JJ says turning towards you slightly and you turn to face him with your elbow on the back of the couch, "What do I know?" He smirks, "I just wanted to say that the first time I met you, I just knew that you'd fit in here with us."

Kie introduce you to the rest of the pogues, and JJ just happened to be the lucky one to catch your eye, but you also caught his.

"Really?" You smile, a blush rising over your cheeks, "I love hearing that, thank you, Jayj." He nods, licking his lips, "Do you, um." He glances down at the table, your stare making him kind of nervous, "want to smoke more, or?"

You shake your head, "I think.." you look from his lips do his eyes and tilt your head, "I think I want to do something a little different."

Your confidence skyrockets when you're high, and you've wanted JJ since the second your eyes laid on his, let's face it. He smirks as he picks up what you're laying down, "What are you waiting for then?"

You smile as you crawl over to him, your legs moving to straddle his waist. You bite your lip as you look down at him, eyes heavy from the weed in both your systems. He brings a hand up, gently laying it on your cheek, "You're so beautiful."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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