╰┈➤ ❝ [chapter13]

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Soft kisses ran down my stomach as he kept strong eye contact

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Soft kisses ran down my stomach as he kept strong eye contact. The tension continued to grow as he became closer to my innocent areas. I wanted to feel his mouth on my bits, moving his tongue to provide me with instant pleasure. As though he read my thoughts, he launched onto my bits and began touching my clit with his tongue. I arched my back at the immense pleasure being experienced. My moans echoes through the room as he became more and more intoxicated by the sound he caused to erupt from my mouth. It felt so good, and every touch made me squirm.

Back to present day

The gala last night was quite interesting. I woke up in the arms of Kazmir as he looked down at me with interest evidence in his eyes.

"Is something on my face?" I asked, dumbfounded at the look he gave me.

"Нет, мой сладкий цветок, can't a man admire his woman's beauty?" he asked with a heartwarming smile.

It was quite rare that he had genuine smiles. He leaned down, taking in my lips. After a while, I got off the bed and went to the shower. " Tonight, I want to take you on a date," he said as he kissed my exposed neck. I shook my head, continuing to dress before leaving the room to prepare Anya for school.

"Anya, baby, where are you?" I asked, as she was not in her room. 

I walked around the house until I found her in the corner of the theatre, crying her eyes out.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked as my heart broke at her tears.

"I had a dream that you left me. Promise me you won't leave me like that woman did," Anya said, recounting her dream last night.

My heart shattered because how could I keep such a promise. As soon as I found an escape, I was exiting this place and never returning. But how can you tell a little girl experiencing such trauma that you'll do the same thing her biological mom did after she had accepted you as her new mom.

"I promise that I'll always be there for you," I said, pulling her tiny frame into my arms as I consoled her. 

"How about we go and get something to eat?" I questioned ushering her to the kitchen so that we could have some breakfast. Ms. Rosalie had taken over, so I didn't have to cook as much unless I wanted to. We ate as I tried my best to make the little girl I had grown to love laugh. She had truly become someone who I held close to my heart, and I would do anything for her. It just scared me that I could not promise to be with her forever, and one day I may break her heart. 

A shirtless Kazmir entered the room, greeting his daughter and I with forehead kisses. Anya had finished eating and getting ready, so I ushered her to the car to be taken to school. Today I was going to hang with Kali and Nailani. As I said, Kazmir had lightened up he honestly treated me nicely. This didn't mean I didn't hold my guard up. I mean, I still had a burn mark on my body, marking me and his. The memory of the pain he inflicted on my body was still there, and I would never forget it.

I left the house heading to meet the girls. When I arrived, there was a cute little set up by the pool, and we sat catching up on our lives. The time passed, and it was time for me to return home to get to the date. I said my goodbye and made my way to the house.

I dressed up in this beautiful dress I had found, styled my hair, and did a simple make-up look. He entered the room, kissing me softly and staring down, analyzing my entire body. He ushered me to the car, where we began to venture to our destination.

The set-up was beautiful, with rose petals at my feet and a beautiful scenery overlooking the bright lights of the city

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The set-up was beautiful, with rose petals at my feet and a beautiful scenery overlooking the bright lights of the city. We sat as the food was served and engaged in conversation.

"Любовь моя, I would like to apologize. I did not mean to do such disgusting things to you, I hope that you can forgive me and start over to make our relationship one of love."

I smiled a little, looking into his eyes. I wanted to laugh my ass off because he truly confused me. I shake my head and continue looking at him as we continue the conversation. I ate, and after being full, he decided it was time for us to go home. Before we left, he had gone down on his knees again, apologizing and proposing to me with the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It wasn't like I could say no, so I said yes and acted really excited. I don't know if it was a dream or maybe the few sips of alcohol, I had earlier been getting to me.

We drove home, and the tension between us became greater. He kept leaving kisses on my body and that made me feel vulnerable. I didn't know how to say no. I mean; I could not resist.

Soft kisses ran down my stomach as he kept strong eye contact. The tension continued to grow as he became closer to my innocent areas. I wanted to feel his mouth on my bits moving his tongue to provide me with instant pleasure. As though he read my thoughts he launched onto my bits and began touching my clit with his tongue. I arched my back at the immense pleasure being experienced. My moans echoes through the room as he became more and more intoxicated by the sound he caused to erupt from my mouth. It felt so good, and every touch made me squirm.

After an orgasm, he lifted his head, unbuttoning his pants to reveal his manly hood. He placed protection on himself and entered me instantly, sending pleasurable sensations through my body. It felt so good but so disgusting and wrong. I couldn't resist, and there were continuous moans throughout the room. Rounds and rounds had passed, and I began to become sore. He held great hunger in his and continued before we both fell asleep, embraced in each other's arms.

 He held great hunger in his and continued before we both fell asleep, embraced in each other's arms

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This book is ending soon, as I don't really like it, and to be honest, I feel like rewriting it or deleting it. Thank you for reading, and I'm releasing Part 2 of the series very soon. I hope you're excited for Nalani and Luciano's love story. I know I am.

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