Her Mistake

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"Obicham te" I never thought words could hurt me so much but here I am, 600 feet over the Black Sea wishing it could end differently. 

15 years earlier, "You're a mistake, I wish I never gave birth to you," her mother said, tying Timotheo to a chair as she pulled a rifle on Mehul. 

"Jara what are you doing," Mehul said with a scared look. 

" What do I have to do for me and Tia." 

" You've already lost. You have her tied to a chair watching you hold a gun to my head " Mehul said with shaky words and scared eyes. 

"You have no clue what I have done to keep Timothea. So, if I have to do one bad thing, I will!" Jara said with tears building up in her eyes.

 " I know you've tried to keep her safe but you're going to ruin her life if you do this to her. She'll grow up without a father and her first memory is going to be her mother shooting her dad. Do you want her to see you like that?" Jara slowly lowers the gun as tears run down her red cheeks and she runs to untie and hug her daughter.

" Timothea?" she breathed, As Timothea coughed smelling alcohol on her breath. She didn't want to say anything, but it was difficult not to. "syzhalyavam," Jara told Tia in the fakest voice she could conger up, fake tears running down her face. Bang! Bang! (Timothea's screaming and crying in the background) Jara runs to the kitchen to grab duct tape. " Tia," she says running out of breath "syzhalyavam, syzhalyavam, che te obicham," she says putting duct tape over her mouth trying to keep her quiet, so the neighbors don't hear her screaming. Jara turned around realizing that Mehul was gone and so was his car. She ran to the door and windows to lock them, then grabbed Tia and ran to her room.

12:30 am. Jara is asleep on her bed with her makeup completely ruined from crying about her husband. 

"Mamma? Mamma? What's this?" Timothea said asking curiously about the weed on the coffee table, with no response from her mom she grabbed the bag and ate some of the stuff in it. Tia starts making a huge ruckus and her mom wakes up to a huge mess Jara quickly gets up and starts looking for her weed only to find them spilled on the floor and Tia crying on the floor while shaking frantically. Jara picks Tia up and takes her to the hospital.

9 years later. As Tia is walking through an alleyway she hears laughing in the distance.

 " Who's there" She says in a concerned voice "Koy, po davolite, a tam. "

 " the death of you," a little girl says in a joking matter and deep voice.

"oh ok," Tia says in a silly  voice "So umm how old are you." 

"I'm six but I know what I'm doing in life," the little girl says in a confident voice.

" Oh, sweetheart what's your name why are you out here alone, in the middle of the night," she says in a low panic voice. 

" Wouldn't you like to know" the girls says while giggling " My name is Ollie, what's yours?" Ollie says in a sweet voice then it goes quiet.

"My..." she pauses trying not to give away too much information "My name is Timothea, but people around here call me Tia."  

"Well nice to meet you Tia I'm not often in town so you won't see me around here much, but this is the place to find me."

" If you want, you can come stay with me for a little while.... until you leave town again"

"Thanks for the offer but I don't want to be a burden to you, lady."

" You won't be a burden to me."

"If you say so, lady. "

Tia walks through the ally, Ollie a couple of paces behind her. When they arrive at the house Ollie starts to wonder who the lady in the living room was but doesn't ask.  

"Well, here's the house," Tia said in a low-life voice "Let me show you to your room." 

"Thank you, lady," Ollie said in a Sencer voice with a sad smile.

" Call me Tia," She said with a smile "And you're welcome."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2024 ⏰

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