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Monday, August 22 1994

Draco shook her awake, "come on, Nova." Nova groaned and turned around in bed. "Nova, come "Come on, I've been waiting weeks for this. You know it! Summer has been unbearable, this is the one thing I've wanted!"

Draco pulled the sheets off of her and she sat up, he grinned, "You look fantastic as always, cousin." He grabbed the mirror on my nightstand and handed it to her.

Her hair was everywhere and she looked exactly like her mother when she was her age, "Draco, get out. It's only 5 in the morning, we won't be late. Relax."

He huffed and left the room, saying something about how she has no time management, Nova got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, once she was ready and her hair was tamed and out of her face in 2 braids, she went down for breakfast.

Narcissa Malfoy was sitting at the table, reading the newspaper, and Draco was scarfing down his food. "Draco, please. You won't be late, here she is now. Tea dear?" She asked Nova with a small smile.

"Coffee?" Nova muttered, still tired and Narcissa snapped her fingers, a cup of coffee was sitting in front of Nova on the counter and she took it. She took a seat next to Draco. "Excited to be spending your last two years at Hogwarts?" Narcissa asked and she nodded.

"Beaxbatons is full of stuck-up bitches," Nova muttered grabbing a muffin. "Language," Narcissa went back to the newspaper and Draco started telling Nova everything about Quidditch.

"Come on," Lucius walked in, "Narcissa, we should get going, the match does start soon," he looked between Nova and Draco and they stood up.'

Draco followed, his father and Narcissa stopped Nova, "Listen to me, you will not embarrass us at this tournament, understood?" She asked and Nova nodded.

She smiled and glanced at her hair, "your mother always hated braids," Narcissa said and Nova smiled, "I guess I should start doing them more often then," She replied and Narcissa frowned.

"Nova, Narcissa, come on," Lucius urged them to hurry and they both walked towards the man who held out a port key for them to grab ahold of.

They arrived in a large field, and people were running around and laughing. Each person was wearing the colours that supported their team. And Lucius found a man, who knew exactly who he was.

There was a sea of redheads next to him and a man with dark hair.

As Lucius talked to the man, Nova looked around. She quickly realized that she stuck out like a sore thumb, everyone was in their team colours, and Nova had chosen a summer dress.

She didn't fit in on either team, and neither did the Malfoys, they were wearing completely Black outfits, but she guessed that went with their blonde hair.

She envied the way the Malfoys looked, they were a complete family and she stuck out like a sore thumb in their family too.

She didn't belong here, or anywhere for that matter.

"I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa? Or our son, Draco? Or her niece, Nova," he said and Fudge looked at the three of them.

"How do you do, how do you do, how do you do?" He asked and Nova laughed, "he said how do you do three times," she said and everyone looked at her in confusion, except for one of the redheads who laughed at her comment.

She turned red and looked down at her shoes, "Allow me to introduce you to Mr Oblansk - Oblansk - Mr. - well, he's the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, and he can't understand. a word I'm saying anyway, so never mind. And let's see who else - you know Arthur Weasley, I daresay."

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