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Friday, September 16 1994

Classes were getting harder and detention was taking forever to finish. Nova was sick and tired of school already. She hated Hogwarts, Peeves was constantly throwing water balloons at her because he felt like it or something about Bellatrix. She felt like she didn't belong here. She was constantly getting nightmares about her parents, they were always trying to get her to join their side.

Violet and George on the other hand were insufferable, they were constantly together and snogging. Fred shared the same disgust as Nova. Well, Fred didn't mind it, he was happy that his brother was happy, but he just wished that he wouldn't be so out there.

Violet and George were still trying to keep their relationship a secret because of their families and considering that Violet was a Slytherin and George was a Gryffindor. So, Fred, Lee, Daphne and Nova would tag along whenever they went anywhere to keep their secret, and when they would sneak off, the four of them would hang out.

Lee and Nova ended up getting really close, which resulted in Lee inviting Daphne, Violet and Nova to their dorms so they could smoke on Saturday nights. Since they couldn't sneak in through the common room, Fred and George reluctantly showed the girls a secret passage into the staircase of the boys' dorm, they still had to be careful when they went up and down the stairs though.

"Miss Lestrange," Snape dropped a book in front of her and she raised her head a bit, "mind explaining to me what we are learning today?" Snape asked her.

"Draught of the Living Death," she said.

"Well, give me the four ingredients," he asked.

"Infusion of wormwood, powdered root asphodel, sloth brain and Sopophorous bean's juice," she put her head down again.

"Correct, but Miss Lestrange, please," Nova groaned and lifted her head. She propped her elbows on the table and kept her head up.

For the rest of class, she answered each question, earning points for Slytherin, which she didn't understand, what was that even for? It's not like they won a pizza party or something, in a few years, they would forget who even won. Plus Slytherin hadn't won the House Cup since Harry Potter even arrived.

The bell rang and everyone packed up their things, "who do you have detention with today?" Fred asked as they walked out.

"Sinstra, I'm helping her mark first-year papers, you?" She asked and he pulled out a small note from his pocket.

"Oh hey, I have Sinstra too," he grinned, "Ugh, lucky. Me and George have Burbage, she's making us clean her whole classroom, the muggle way," Violet groaned.

"What's so bad about that?" Nova asked.

"First years just did theatre, as their first assignment," Violet explained. Everyone laughed, except Nova.

"What's so bad about theatre?" Nova asked again, clearly confused.

"Burbage found out that if people didn't like a performance they would throw rotten tomatoes at the performers, so that's what we do," Lee explained, "it's for the electricity, you have to figure out how stage lights work and incorporate them into a music theatre performance."

"Ugh, that sounds like so much fun, I should've been here to throw tomatoes at people," Nova sighed and everyone laughed, everyone walked into the Great Hall and separated to their tables.

After lunch they all went to detention, it was just Nova and Fred. Sinstra put them to work right away and they marked the papers. Sinstra put Fred and Nova on the floor and they sat in silence and with occasional glances to each other, they were both bored out of their minds. "I'll be right back," Professor Sinstra left, leaving the two alone.

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