"When I'm feeling blue"

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When I'm feeling blue,
I run away,
I hide from the world,
I stay in my cave all day.

I don't want to see anyone,
I don't want to talk to anyone,
I just want to be alone,
With my thoughts and my tears.

I think about everything that's wrong,
Everything that's made me sad,
And I feel like I'm drowning,
In a sea of my own sorrow.

I don't know how to get out,
I don't know how to feel better,
I just want the pain to stop,
I just want to be happy.

But I know that I can't do it alone,
I need help,
I need someone to show me the way,
To show me how to live again.

I hope that one day,
I'll find someone who loves me,
Someone who is patient with me,
Someone who will never give up on me.

I hope that one day,
I'll learn how to stay,
How to face the world,
How to be happy again.

Until then, I'll keep running away,
I'll keep hiding,
I'll keep crying,
Until I find my way back to the light.


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