. . . Cassian, why?

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 "Really? Out of access already? Shit that was quick." Cassian frowned at the bright red error on the computer screen.

He didn't know what he was expecting when he thought to log into his Lampas account, but given they had murdered him only a few hours ago, he thought perhaps he could still get in. No such luck though, which means he just wasted the last of Gangu's money—or at least—the last of what he had on him.

Cassian let out a sigh and shut down the rental computer. He raised a hand to shield his eyes from the sudden brightness of the sun as he stepped outside.

"What now genius?" Moros piped up, appearing in a small puff at his side.

"What now indeed?" Cassian hummed thoughtfully for a moment. "I can't really go anywhere until Gangu comes back online from whatever he's doing in our head. I don't know his phone password, or even where he lives."

"You could've stayed at school you know."

"Even if I did, I don't know which class is his. I'd just be wandering lost there and risk getting him in trouble."

"So then what are you gonna do? You could transform into a villain again?"

"No. Absolutely not. That shit was painful enough the first time!"

"It's not going to hurt the second time. Only when you first awaken. And if you change I can use my abilities to do an analysis of your powers. Would get you a better idea of what you're working with."

Cassian considered it. He didn't have much else to do. Wandering aimlessly was only going to tire them out. He glanced around, quickly locating a street that didn't have as many people, then further to an alleyway that was completely empty.

"Ok. What do I have to do?"

"Well, judging by what happened before, I'd say anger is your trigger. So I don't know, get angry I guess?"

"Wow, very insightful." Cassian rolled his eyes.

Despite his vocal irritation, he did try to get angry. Thinking about how much he wanted to grab Moros and squeeze him like a stress toy then throw him at the nearest wall didn't seem like enough, though. What had triggered them before? Gangu, he thought, but what had the other been so upset about again?


That's right. They'd been upset about dying—about Moros reviving them and shoving Cassian into their body. Cassian was admittedly also pretty upset by that. Moros hadn't even asked what he wanted. Hell, he still didn't even know why he'd been killed! Jack and Lyra, they said it was ordered, but why? He couldn't think of any reason he could've been on Lampas' hit list. Sure he'd roughed up a couple of villains (ok maybe like a lot of villains) a little more than necessary but was that grounds to kill him?!

"Oh look you did it."

"I huh?" Cassian opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. Unlike last time, he hadn't even noticed the appearance of the heavy black gauntlets that now coated his hands. "Oh, look at that. Neat."

Cassian flinched, raising a hand to shield his face as a sudden flash of blue nearly blinded him. Blinking a few times to clear the spots, he cautiously glanced out to peer at the source of the light. He was surprised to find what looked like a panel of blue glass floating in the air in front of him.

Curious, he tried poking it. He immediately regretted that decision when the sound of his claw grating against it stabbed his ears. Yeah, not doing that again—it sounded worse than nails on a chalkboard! In any case, he was curious to see what kind of information this untrustworthy orb held.

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