Chapter 1

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Andi's (Alessandra Costa) POV

I stood at the front of the classroom, scanning over my lesson plans for the day. I was determined to make sure my students were engaged and attentive in my class, as always. As the students began to file in, I noticed a new face among them. It was Lindsay Young, the notorious troublemaker of the senior class. I had heard about her reputation from other teachers and students but had yet to meet her in person. Lindsay sauntered in, dressed in her usual edgy style, with tattoos and piercings all over her body. I couldn't help but feel a sense of disapproval as I watched her take a seat at the back of my classroom. As the lesson began, Lindsay's attention quickly waned, she began to fidget and look around the room. I tried my best to engage Lindsay and keep her focused, but my efforts were in vain. Lindsay seemed uninterested and unwilling to participate in the class. As the lesson drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment. I had worked hard to prepare the lesson, but it seemed that Lindsay had no interest in learning.

As the students filed out, Lindsay lingered behind a mischievous grin on her face. I knew that look all too well. "Is there something you wanted to discuss, Lindsay?" I asked sternly. Lindsay sauntered up to my desk which I was leaning against, her eyes fixed on me, and said in a flirty tone, "I was just wondering if you had any extra credit work for me, Miss Costa." I felt a sense of annoyance rising within myself, but I tried to remain calm. "Extra credit work is earned, Lindsay. It's not something I give out freely to students who don't show an interest in learning." Lindsay's smile faded, and she looked away. I then watched as she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck and turned to walk out of my classroom. I wondered if there was a way I could help Lindsay get back on track and take control of her life.

No One's POV

As the day went on, Lindsay attended her other classes, but her mind was elsewhere. She felt lost and disconnected, unable to focus on anything but her troubles. During her lunch break, she snuck out to smoke with her friends, Joshua Drake and Riley Dunn behind the school building. They chatted and laughed, trying to forget about their problems for a while. But their moment of peace was short-lived when Miss Costa appeared out of nowhere. Lindsay's friends scattered like frightened mice, leaving her alone with the teacher. Lindsay played it cool, leaning against the wall while taking another drag of her cigarette. Miss, Costa looked at her sternly, her eyes filled with disappointment. "Lindsay, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice firm but gentle. Lindsay tried to make light of the situation, "Just taking a break, Miss Costa," she said, trying to flirt with her. Andi did not seem amused. "You know smoking is bad for your health, Lindsay. It's also against school policy. I'm going to have to report this." Lindsay rolled her eyes, and she looked away. As Lindsay stomped away, Miss Costa couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for her. She wondered what was going on in her life that was causing her to act out like this. The teacher knew that Lindsay had a tough exterior, but she could sense that there was more to her than met the eye. She resolved to keep an eye on her and try to reach out to her in a way that Lindsay would respond to.

Lindsay's POV

I woke up that morning feeling more anxious than usual. I knew I had to face another day of school, but I didn't feel like I belonged there. As I got dressed, I looked at my tattoos and piercings in the mirror and wondered if they made me look tough enough. I had a reputation to uphold, after all. When I got to school, I could feel everyone's eyes on me, they were scared of me. I took my usual spot at the back of the classroom, but I couldn't focus on the lesson. My mind kept wandering back to my problems, my family issues, and my general sense of hopelessness. When Miss Costa tried to engage me, I felt defensive and uninterested. I didn't want to participate in this charade of learning when I knew I was going to fail anyway. When the lesson ended, I felt relief wash over me, but it was short-lived. Miss Costa confronted me, and I felt trapped. I tried to flirt her way out of the situation, but it didn't work. I felt frustrated and angry, but also strangely drawn to the teacher's concern. As I smoked with my friends during lunch, I felt a sense of camaraderie, but also a sense of emptiness. I knew that smoking was bad for my health, but it was the only thing that made me feel alive. When Miss Costa caught us, I felt embarrassed and ashamed. I couldn't bear to think about what the teacher thought of me. As I walked away, I felt a sense of hopelessness creeping in. I wondered if anyone would ever understand me.

I stood in the backyard of Josh's house, taking a drag of the joint that Josh had just passed to me. The smoke was thick and heavy, and it made me feel light-headed. We were all laughing and joking around, playing pool and listening to music. I felt like I could forget about all my problems for a while and just enjoy the moment. Josh had always been the one to push the boundaries, and I loved that about him. He didn't care what anyone thought of him, and neither did I. We were rebels, and we enjoyed it. Riley was there too, and he was always the calm and collected one. He never pushed me to do anything I didn't want to do, and I respected him for that. As I took another hit of the joint, I felt the smoke fill my lungs, and I exhaled slowly. I felt a sense of relaxation wash over me, and I leaned against the pool table, watching as Josh took his shot. He missed, and we all laughed. We were all in our own little world, away from the judgment and stress of school and home. I felt like I could be myself around Josh and Riley, and I knew they felt the same way around me. We were a little family, bound together by our love of mischief and our shared sense of rebellion. They were like my brothers. As we continued playing pool and smoking pot, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments of escape. They were the only thing that made me feel alive, and I knew that I couldn't let them go. As the night wore on, we all grew tired, and I knew it was time to head home. I said goodbye to Josh and Riley and walked home, feeling a sense of contentment that I hadn't felt in a long time. For a few hours, I had been able to forget about everything and just enjoy the moment. And that was all I needed.

As I walked home my mind was racing with thoughts of the day. Despite my efforts to brush off Miss Costa's concern, her words had stuck with me. And as I replayed our encounter in my head, I couldn't help but notice just how gorgeous she was. It was strange to think that just a few hours ago, I had been trying to flirt with her to get out of trouble. But now, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more there. Maybe it was the way she looked at me, with a mix of disappointment and concern. Or maybe it was the way she spoke to me, in a firm but gentle tone that made me feel seen and heard. It was a confusing feeling, and I didn't know what to make of it. I giggled to myself and thought It was just the weed thoughts getting to me. I don't need anyone.

Word Count - 1386


Hey Guys!! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this story. I haven't wrote for a while so don't quote me on it. (Tell me If It's shit 😭) If you have suggestions or guesses of where this story is going drop them in the comments ❤️‍🔥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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