Should go with the flow...

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Sorry to keep you waiting guys... but you all have to not wait for spotlight a lot because updates will be soooo late...
No proofread...

Taehyung introduced all the BTS members to Bogum well there's no need to introduce the legends, everyone are well known to them but still as a formality Taehyung did it.

Bogum greeted everyone the same he greet to Taehyung. Only the difference is that Taehyung is his bias and others are just the great idols for him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the over funny nature of Bogum.

'Stupid! I have to ignore this gum!'
Jungkook went into the practicing room and started to practice alone, cause dance is his stress reliever.

"Um we should practice, we have talked a lot, right Taehyung?"
Jhope the main dancer asked to Taehyung who nodded his head.

Jhope may be sweet and soft guy but when it comes to work, especially dance then he is the total opposite man.

"Yah!! I don't want to... I will take a na--"
Suga's words weren't completed as Hoseok dragged him inside the practicing room.

"I can watch you dancing, right?"
Bogum asked to Namjoon hesitantly who nodded his head.

"Of course hyung. We will not mind"
Namjoon smiled softly.

And the rest of the members along with bogum got inside practicing room.

"Oh my goodness! Kookie you are practicing already? How cute?!"
Jimin jumped on Jungkook, kissing his nape in process. Taehyung frowned when Jungkook didn't backed off as he usually does.

Jungkook was tired already so he didn't had the energy to protest so he let Jimin do whatever he wants.

'Why the hell he kissed? And why koo didn't backed off? May he is too tired'
Tae shrugged his shoulders he don't want to make his Jungkook be alone without him, he approached his lover.

"Why you have to go so hard on yourself hm?"
Taehyung caressed Kook's back secretly snatching a kiss from Jungkook's nape.

It took seconds for Jungkook to process, and when it clicked his mind he went all red.

"Hyung! So many staff people and bogum hyung is there too! Why--"
"Shut it! I love you and no one saw us, Jimin did the same so nothing matters!"
Taehyung flicked koo's nose adorably, Jungkook rolled his eyes.

'He and his jealousy!'

"Tae, you should have to control yourself. You know it's not safe around here, the new staff members are there too, they will spread this..."
Namjoon whispered in his ear taekook widen their eyes.

Jungkook shook his head in disbelief.

"See! I told you... But you have to"
Kook shrugged his shoulders.

"Kook I have to, I neglected you and I know, I wasn't able to give you the time you want. And it was the least I can do. Don't worry I will mend my mistake by taking some time out for us"
Jungkook's eyes sparkled.

Taehyung nodded.

"Guys! Come on go on your respective positions!"
Jhope announced and everyone settled on their position.

And they started to practice and Bogum started to enjoy. Everything was fine until Bogum started to cheer only one person whole heartedly. And that was Taehyung.

Jungkook's focus started to break all because of Bogum.

'Why can't he stop this, huh?!'
Jungkook gritted his teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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