Canvas? Where are you?

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The walls were breaking apart and we were all shaking in fear. Eventually, there was no more crashing noises and we all looked at each other confused. "Do you think, this is a trap? Maybe we should-" Coiny's words were cut off by the shed splitting into 2. It made a large sound with every duo making a reaction. I turned around to hug GB and she did the same, Coiny and Pin jumped up into the air screaming, Candle was being protected by Silver Spoon, but Canvas, she was as still as a rock. "She's here. I told you this was a trap." Canvas picked herself up from the ground and grabbed a few items as if she was preparing for war.

Outside of the shed, there was a forest that we were next to and it looked like there was a hurricane that had just happened. Coiny and I looked outside to see Scrunchie have a scar on her face, bandages all around her body, and she looked like she was glitching out of existence. She started walking towards us so Coiny and I were pushing ourselves inside the broken shed. "Guys, we have a problem. Scrunchie is coming!" Coiny yelled out worryingly. We were all shouting on top of one another, thinking of plans when "I can do it." We all looked over to see Canvas who had selflessly asked to take the risk of sacrificing herself. "No! You can't go! Your body has been weakened by her and you-""I know her best. She might hurt me but she will never kill me." She interrupted GB. She insisted that she went and wouldn't take no for an answer. She started to walk out the shed and we were all worried for her health.

Canvas' POV

I stepped out of the shed to see my old friend smiling maniacally. "Canvas! The traitor! You came back for forgiveness? Well, I'm afraid I can't forgive you yet!" I cringed and told her "I'm not here to apologize. I'm here to defend my friends." I looked back at them smiling. Scrunchie started laughing and she came closer towards me "Really? Them? Well, if that's how this is meant to be, i'll just have to end your life as you know it. Bye bitch!" She started to walk faster to me so I walked a bit backwards when GB called out from the shed which got my attention. She showed me the notebook and it was of Scrunchie's fight and I. We didn't even start the fight though. Something looked a bit weird about it though.

I was getting prepared to fight Scrunchie when she suddenly spawned a giant scythe in her hands and she started spinning it around in the air when she slammed it into the ground and a giant crack formed in the ground. It formed a giant circle which brought both Scrunchie and I up into the air with the circle as if we were floating. "First one to fall off loses! And can keep the notebook! Get ready! And for fun, let's bring your friends here!" The shed started to fly with everyone inside and she kept it levitated high in the sky. Then, she came running towards me at full speed!

Coiny's POV

Immediately, the fight was epic! There was jumping and running, flying, using powers, think of the most epic fight and multiply it by 2763! That's how epic it was!


During the fight, Coiny kept yelling like it was a football match and was jumping up and down so much that since the shed was already broken, we almost fell out! "Coiny! What was that for!" Pin told him off. "Sorry, just an exciting fight is all." I was so worried about Canvas when I remembered that she could use the notebook to counter out Scrunchie's attacks. "Canvas! Catch this!" She looked over to me and I threw the notebook over to her and I prayed that she would catch it and luckily she did! She gasped and suddenly grabbed a pen from her pocket and looked like she got a big motivation boost. She opened up the notebook and started drawing in it.

When she finished drawing while almost dodging every hit from Scrunchie, a bright light spawned on the floor and it formed into the shape of an angelic spear. The bright light ended up gaining colors and I suddenly realized that the notebook can make anything that was drawn into it a reality. That explained how the portal room was even made in the first place. Once she was able to start fighting back again, just as Coiny's words, it was awesome. But suddenly, Scrunchie was able to hit her. Canvas fell on her back, while clutching onto the notebook and Scrunchie walked over and snatched the notebook out of her hands.

"You see, this is what happens when you disobey me. When I ask you to help me, you say?" Scrunchie pointing the giant scythe to Canvas' eye. She couldn't do or say anything except "Yes Scrunchie..." After a long dramatic pause, Scrunchie slashed Canvas' face and she screamed in agony. There was blood everywhere on her face, tears running down her cheeks as well. I couldn't watch another second and I turned to cry on TB while hugging him.


I immediately blushed but I still felt bad for her but I had to keep watching. Scrunchie turned around and looked inside the notebook but when she did, the world's most shocking thing happened. A portal had spawned on top of Scrunchie and a boulder came out and squashed her like a bug. Almost everyone screamed in horror except GB because she wasn't looking. Hell, Silver even fainted. The massive dirt boulders we were standing on lowered onto the ground and we all left the shed running to Canvas. She just smiled and said "Check the notebook, then you'll understand."

GB ran to get the notebook and when she opened it, her face was in a happy sort of shock. She showed us the last few pages and it was a drawing of Scrunchie getting crushed by the boulders. Canvas killed Scrunchie! Candle picked both Silver and Canvas from off the ground and pulled out some bandages from no where and started to tend to Canvas' wounds. I went to go look in the portal and I was getting prepared for everyone to come with me to the portal but Canvas had other plans. "Nah, I think i'll stay in this universe. I found a pleasant home here and I can see my dead enemy here. What more could I ask for?" GB found it hard to leave her but I helped her cope.

When we went through the portal, the portal room was destroyed by thousands of boulders just crashed into the floor. I was walking around them when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see GB on her tiptoes to reach my shoulder. "Oh GB! Hi! Uhm yes what do you need?" She started blushing and she asked me "Yeah so about what you said, in the shed..." I had completely forgotten that I confessed to her! Blushing with every word that came out my mouth, I stuttered "Oh yes that! Uhm well yes I meant it 101 percent mhm. I just kinda gotta ask, do you-" I got interrupted by a kiss on my cheek and a sweet "Yes" She started to giggle and run away, while I was just watching her, thinking about how amazing she was.

I started to walk towards the portal, blushing when I saw GB asking everyone to listen to her and she told us "This isn't over yet. I took the notebook and it turns out, there is someone in charge of this place! Not Scrunchie or Canvas, they are mere protectors of this place! The person in charge is who we will find!" I jumped up and screamed "Yeah!" Silver tried interrupting her and asking "Wait, but I still have a question. Why did we have to come here? Why not anyone else? And for the love of god, where is Snowball?!" She shook her head and flipped through the pages. "I think Scrunchie wanted us to go through a certain portal with all of us as friends." The next thing we saw was shocking...

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