"Nighttime comfort" | Main AU

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Angst, possibly changed AU;


Uhm- yes I know I last posted in SEPTEMBER but school sucks.
I did watch the fnaf movie and I liked it.
I also got into other fandoms, but I will still update this story.
That being said- hope you enjoy this


[3rd person POV]

The first thing Henry noticed when he woke up was William's absence. A quick look at the phone told him it was way too early for either of them to be up, which weirded him out.
He slowly got up, going to check around the house. Once he found no sign of William, he stepped out on the balcony.

There he was.

William was sitting on the balcony floor, leaning on the wall, a lit cigarette between his fingers.
When he noticed Henry, he just looked down, his bunny ears twitching.

"William...?" Henry questioned in a sleepy tone.
"I know." Will replied in a plain tone.
"You're smoking again?"
Henry sighed and went over, crouching down.
"Something in particular happened?"
William kept his head down, just letting the cigarette burn on. The other gently took it, putting it out and spoke up.
"Tell me next time... even if you wake me up. I don't care. I just want you to be alright."
He got a nod in response.

They both remained like that for a while before Henry moved closer, reaching his hand towards Will's. He, in response, moved it closer to himself, replying in a harsh tone.
"Don't fucking touch me."

Henry quickly retracted his own hand, realizing what might be wrong with his partner. He stayed quiet for a moment before speaking up in a kind, gentle voice.
"It's alright, bunny... I won't... how about we go inside and I make you some tea?"

William seemed lost in thought for a bit before getting up, his bunny tail visibly hanging down, and nodding.
Henry led him to the kitchen, grabbing the tea and setting everything needed up.
The other man sat down, leaning on the table.

Neither of them talked as the tea was made and set down in front of Will, who shortly after began sipping it. He looked up at his lover, who just gave him a soft, kind smile.
"You're fine, dear... Enjoy your tea, and I'll be here."

Will nodded, getting lost in thought.
He wasn't usually like that. He's supposed to stay collected. Why did he freeze? Why did he suddenly feel so vulnerable?

He snapped out of it soon after, noticing the confused look on Henry's face.
"I'm fine."
"You just seemed zoned out." His voice was soft compared to William's.
"Drink your tea, hon."

Will didn't reply and rather focused on his tea, trying to ignore Henry's presence.
It felt quite a while, even though little time passed before the man finished the tea and moved closer to his partner. He wanted his touch, the comfort of it, but still felt nervous about any physical contact.

Eventually, Henry seemed to understand him, perhaps his body language, and took his hand, rubbing it with his thumb gently.
Despite it feeling nice, William soon pulled away, and his lover let it. They sat like that in silence for a bit before Henry slowly got up.
"Come on, let's get back to bed... We don't need to cuddle if you don't want to, just... Get some sleep."
William nodded and got up as well, following Henry into the bedroom. Henry let him get under the covers first and waited until Will got comfortable before joining him.

They each kept on their own side of the bed, attempting to sleep. Henry soon began dozing off, but just before falling asleep, he felt arms wrap around his torso from behind and the body of his partner gently pressing against his back. He could only smile softly at the comfortable feeling of being spooned by the 'not touchy' man before being pulled into sleep.


662 words *dissappears again*

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