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The grand ballroom of the Crane's mansion was a spectacle of opulence and gaiety, with laughter ringing through the air as guests danced and mingled beneath the glittering chandeliers. The polished marble floor gleamed with reflected light, casting a golden glow over the guests. Elle, in a gown of deep blue that matched her keen and discerning eyes, moved gracefully through the crowd. Her gaze was focused and deliberate, scanning the room for the gentlemen she had come to observe.

In her hand, was a delicate reticule that perfectly matched the rich color of her gown. It was adorned with intricate embroidery and subtle beads that shimmered softly in the light. Inside, she kept a small, well-worn leather journal with a leather strap to keep it securely closed and was filled with pages of neat, precise handwriting, documenting everything she noticed about her sister's potential suitors. Each entry was meticulously detailed, describing the gentleman's character, habits, and how they interacted with people.

Her first encounter was with Lord Edmund Harrington, a young man of considerable wealth and status, known for his flirtatious nature. As Elle observed him, she noticed how he used his wit and charisma to captivate and enchant those he spoke to. However, it was clear that he wasn't serious about forming any meaningful connections.

Next, she observed Lord Theodore Wentworth, a well-traveled businessman with a deep passion for books and a quiet, introspective nature. Unlike the other gentlemen, Theodore preferred the corners of the room, engaging in deep conversations with a select few. Elle noted his intelligence and the way he listened intently to others, but she also observed a certain aloofness, as if he were more comfortable with ideas than with people.

Then there was Captain James Stafford, a decorated officer with a strong sense of duty and honor. Elle watched as he interacted with the other guests, his posture straight and his voice commanding. She couldn't help but notice a certain arrogance in his demeanor—a self-assuredness that bordered on dismissiveness when he spoke to those, he considered beneath him.

Finally, her eyes fell upon Lord Reginald Sterling. Reginald was the perfect blend of charm and sincerity. As she observed him from a distance, she noticed how he treated everyone with the same level of respect, from the highest-ranking lords to the servants who passed by with trays of refreshments. He had an easy smile, and there was a warmth in his eyes that made people gravitate towards him.

Elle continued her meticulous observation from her vantage point in a corner of the grand ballroom, her pen moving rapidly across her journal. She was so absorbed in her notes that she failed to notice that Reginald had taken notice of her and had subtly decided to follow her in turn.

As she turned her attention back to Reginald, she suddenly felt a presence behind her.

"You've been following me," the voice said, with an air of curiosity.

Startled, Elle spun around, her heart skipping a beat. Standing before her was Reginald, his piercing gaze softened by a bemused expression. The intensity of his presence made the ballroom hall suddenly feel smaller. "May I ask why?" the gentleman added. 

Struggling to find an excuse, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "Stars."

Reginald's brow furrowed, clearly puzzled. "Stars?" he repeated.

"Yes, stars," Elle replied awkwardly.

Reginald looked at her, his confusion slowly giving way to amusement. "And you thought following me would help you understand stars?"

Elle bit her lip, scrambling for a way to salvage the situation. Think, Elle, think. 

"I didn't mean to confuse you, my lord," she began,

"But as you can see, I've been... observing the stars. The ballroom is so grand, and the chandeliers—they remind me of constellations. I was just making notes about how they... resemble different star formations." 

For a moment, Reginald simply looked at her, his expression unreadable. Then, to her surprise, he chuckled softly, the sound warm and genuine. "You're quite the enigma, Miss...?"


"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Trevor," Reginald said, offering a slight bow. "Though I must admit, I've never encountered someone who finds celestial patterns in a ballroom. Perhaps you might share your findings with me sometime?"

Elle managed a small, hesitant smile. "Perhaps."

Reginald's smile widened as he prepared to take his leave. "Before we part ways, and the night carries us in different directions, allow me to properly introduce myself. Reginald Sterling."

"I'm aware, Lord Sterling. The ladies over there," she gestured subtly to a group of young women who were whispering amongst themselves, casting furtive glances in their direction, "have been quite vocal about their desire to dance with you."

Reginald's eyes followed her gaze, and he raised an eyebrow, "I see. I hadn't realized my presence had made such an impression. I only arrived a month ago and plan to return to England shortly."

Elle's gaze lingered on him, her curiosity piqued. "England, you say? It seems you haven't been here long enough to make a lasting impression, yet here you are, already the center of attention."

Reginald gave a light shrug, the corners of his mouth twitching upward in a half-smile. "Perhaps it’s simply the intrigue of a new face in familiar surroundings. People are drawn to what they don’t yet know."

Elle’s lips curved into a faint smile as she nodded, her mind racing with questions she wasn’t sure she wanted to ask, at least not yet. "Perhaps," she agreed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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