Chapter 9

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Preeti's POV

As I sat on my bed, having just freshened up, I found myself unexpectedly drawn to wearing a comfortable kurti. It was a departure from my usual night attire, but lately, I've been gravitating towards Indian dresses more often. There's something about them that makes me feel both comfortable and proud of my femininity.

As I prepared to drift off to sleep, my tranquility was shattered by the intrusive ring of my phone. Glancing at the screen, I noticed it was an unknown number and initially ignored it. However, sleep eluded me, so I decided to seek solace on the terrace under the watchful gaze of the moon. I've always had a special connection with the moon since childhood, believing it to be my guardian, listening to my tales and reassuring me with its imperfections, teaching me that flaws are what make us truly beautiful.

The cool breeze brushed against my skin, sending shivers down my spine, as my phone abruptly rang once more. This time, with a sinking feeling in my stomach, I reluctantly answered the call from the unknown number, only to be greeted by a voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Hello, Miss Preeti Shekhawat! Or should I say soon-to-be Mrs. Preeti Vivaan Singh Rathore!" The man's words dripped with an unsettling tone, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that washed over me.

"Who are you?" I retorted, trying to mask the tremor in my voice, but failing miserably. His words seemed to pierce through me, filling me with a sense of dread.

"Why so angry, kid? His power will be of great use to you, won't it? But what happens after you've used him up? Will you kill him, just like you killed them?" His words struck a nerve, igniting a fiery rage within me.

"What do you want from me? How do you know that I am marrying him for his power? If you dare to cross me, I swear I'll hunt you down and make you pay with your life! I'll personally ensure your demise, leaving nothing but ashes in your wake!"

My words poured out in a torrent of fury, fueled by fear and anger.

But instead of cowering in fear, all I heard in response was a mocking laugh, sending shivers down my spine. In a fit of rage, I hurled my phone to the ground, watching as it shattered into a million pieces.

Suddenly, a whisper broke through the chaos, calling my name softly. Startled, I turned to see Vivaan standing there, a towering presence in the darkness.

"Rana sa?" I called out to him, my voice barely above a whisper, unsure if he had heard the earlier confrontation.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his tone calm and composed, betraying none of the turmoil that raged within me. For a moment, I feared he had overheard everything, but his demeanor remained unchanged.

Feeling a surge of anxiety, I sought refuge in his embrace, a gesture both unexpected and oddly comforting. In that moment, as his arms enveloped me, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, dispelling the darkness that had threatened to consume me.

As we stood there, locked in each other's embrace, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards him, for being the beacon of light in my darkest hour. Looking up into his eyes, I found myself unable to decipher the emotions swirling within them, but for the first time in my life, I allowed myself to be vulnerable, finding solace in his presence.

He asked in a calm and sweet tone, his hands cupping my face gently, warmth emanating from his touch. "What happened?"

I shook my head in denial, but sensing his insistence, I turned my face away, finding solace in the moonlit night. His breath near my ear startled me as he asked, "Can I?" His hands hovered near my stomach, seeking permission for a comforting embrace.

Allowing him, I leaned back into his chest as his arms enveloped me, his chin resting on my shoulder, both of us gazing at the serene moon. I felt a rush of warmth and safety in his embrace, wishing this moment could last forever.

His hands then tenderly held mine, planting soft kisses on my palm, breaking the silence. 

"What's wrong, Preeti?" He asked, his soft voice caressing my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I felt a pang of guilt wash over me as I realized I was taking advantage of his kindness and affection.

"An unknown person called me," I confessed, feeling the weight of my deceit. "His voice was eerie, it filled me with anxiety. It was as if someone was watching me, spying on me. And... he knew some of my secrets."

I laid bare my fears in front of the man who had become my solace. Could I really trust him?

"If that number calls again, just hand me the phone. I'll talk to him. And... I could trace his number, if your phone hadn't broken. It's okay now. Don't think about it," he assured me calmly, his words a balm to my troubled mind.

He is a true gentleman.

"Thank you, Rana sa," I replied, genuinely grateful for his support.

"Call me Vivaan," he insisted.

"No," I countered playfully, turning to face him, feeling his arms wrapped around my waist. If anyone saw us like this, they'd surely mistake us for a couple in love.

"Why not?" he queried.

"Are you sure you want me to call you by your name?" I teased, meeting his gaze with a mischievous grin.

"Yes, please," he pleaded, sounding like a child eager for a treat.

"Alright, Viv--- Rana sa," I relented, hearing him protest with a playful whine. He was undeniably adorable.

"What are you doing up here on the terrace at this hour?" he asked me. 

"I couldn't sleep, so I came up for some fresh air. What about you?" I replied.

 "Same here, couldn't sleep," he responded. "Insomnia?" I asked. 

"How did you know?" he inquired. "Raj bhaiya mentioned it to me," I explained, noticing him nodding in acknowledgment. 

"It's already late, you should get some rest," he advised. "Okay, you too," I replied.

 "Good night, Vivaan!" I said, noticing a big smile spread across his face on hearing his name from my mouth. 


Hello, readers! I hope you're enjoying this. I'm thinking of writing a book about Aarav, as I have a great storyline in mind.

You can follow me on Instagram for spoilers and edits.

Instagram id - @peralymoonluv

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