Chapter 1

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The Academy loomed ahead, a fortress of stone and iron that seemed to pierce the sky. Each step I took toward its imposing gates felt like a step into an uncertain future. But one thing was certain... I would not die. Not today, at least.

I adjusted my bag and took a deep breath, stepping into the bustling courtyard filled with students. It was a mosaic of eye colors, each representing a different colony. My own brown eyes marked me as part of the Veridian Empire, a realm known for its military might. As I scanned the crowd, a girl with vibrant green eyes approached me, her expression warm and welcoming.

"Hi, you must be Amelia," she said. "I'm Alex, from Seraphia."

"Hi, Alex," I replied, smiling. "Nice to meet you."

"Seraphia is beautiful, but it's nothing like this place," she said, her voice tinged with awe. "Everything here is so intense."

As we talked, Alex casually demonstrated her power by making a nearby flower bloom, its petals unfurling gracefully. I watched, fascinated.

Soon, two boys joined us. One had striking blue eyes and an easy smile. "I'm Theo," he said, extending a hand. "Aquaria, land of the seas and storms."

"Amelia," I said, shaking his hand.

The other boy, with his mesmerizing black eyes, nodded at me. "Logan," he said simply. His eyes held a depth that was almost unnerving, a reflection of his homeland, Astridia, where magic and mystery intertwined.

"Logan can create illusions," Theo explained, clapping him on the back. "And I control water."

"Logan is my boyfriend," Alex said. Despite her abrupt confession, I didn't sense any hostility in her voice.

"So what's your power?" Logan asked.

Before I could respond, a tall figure with grey eyes approached. "James," he introduced himself. His demeanor was serious, befitting someone from Valoria, a kingdom of warriors. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness."

"Your Highness?" Alex asked, looking genuinely confused. "As in the crown princess?"

I nodded.

"Great, we got stuck with an ordinary without powers," Theo spat.

Then, I noticed a boy standing a little apart from the rest, his grey eyes sharp and attentive. He stepped forward, extending his hand. "Arthur," he said. I was grateful for his interaction, which diffused the tension.

"Amelia," I said, shaking his hand. Arthur towered over me at six feet tall, his presence commanding.

Before we could say more, a sudden tension crackled in the air. I turned just in time to see a flash of silver—a dagger hurtling straight at me. Panic surged, freezing me in place. But Arthur moved swiftly, catching the blade just inches from my face. His precision and calm were astounding.

As I stared at the dagger, suspended in mid-air by Arthur's outstretched hand, a chill ran down my spine. What kind of place had I stepped into?

Then, as if on cue, the professor's voice cut through the tension. "Let the games begin," he announced with a hint of ominous anticipation.

Arthur turned to me with a reassuring wink. "Good luck," he said quietly.

Suddenly, chaos erupted. Students scattered, some displaying their powers in a frantic bid for dominance, while others strategized with intensity. The courtyard transformed into a battleground, echoing with shouts, flashes of light, and the clash of powers.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I realized that survival at the Academy would require more than just determination—it would demand cunning, alliances, and perhaps a touch of luck.

Well... shit.

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