Chapter 3: deal with a devil

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The night was restless. Sleep eluded me as I worked tirelessly on a new concoction—a powder that could temporarily paralyze anyone who inhaled it. The fine dust shimmered in the low light of my room, a potential game-changer in this brutal environment.

Morning arrived too soon. Alex and I walked into the dining hall, the smell of breakfast doing little to lift my exhaustion. As we entered, a commotion caught my attention. Arthur was yelling at a boy who looked younger than me, his dagger pressed threateningly against the boy's throat.

Before I could process what was happening, my body acted on its own. In a flash, I was next to the boy, mirroring Arthur's stance with my own dagger at his throat. The dining hall fell silent, all eyes on us. But Arthur's reaction was faster than I anticipated. He disarmed me effortlessly, and suddenly, my own dagger was pressed against my throat so hard I thought it drew blood.

He leaned in, his breath hot against my ear. "If you want to survive here, you need to learn to fight and mind your own business."

With that, he walked away, dragging the boy by his arm. The room was still silent, everyone staring. I knew I had to act, to show I wasn't weak.

"Arthur!" I called out, my voice steady.

He turned, a smirk playing on his lips. I didn't hesitate. Reaching deep within myself, I threw my powers at him. His eyes widened in surprise as he fell to his knees, momentarily paralyzed. I rushed forward, retrieving my dagger. In one swift motion, it was back at his throat, and this time, I was the one drawing blood.

"Don't ever underestimate me," I whispered fiercely.

The dining hall remained hushed, the tension palpable. Slowly, I stepped back, lowering my dagger. Arthur's eyes locked onto mine, a mixture of respect and something else I couldn't quite place.

As I walked back to my seat, Alex beside me, the room seemed to exhale collectively. I had made my point, but I knew this was just the beginning. In a place where power and survival were everything, I had to stay vigilant.

"Well, that was something," Alex muttered, a hint of admiration in her voice.

I nodded, my heart still racing. "Yeah, it was."

But as we sat down to eat, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter had set something in motion—something that would shape my future at the Academy in ways I couldn't yet foresee.

As I step into the chemistry wing, focused on refining my paralytic powder, I'm taken aback to find Arthur standing beside my desk, casually inspecting the array of vials and containers. "Hey, hands off," I reprimand sharply, irritation bubbling up at his uninvited presence.

Arthur flashes a disarming smile and withdraws his hand, his demeanor unruffled. "Aren't you supposed to be in combat training?" he asks casually, though it's evident he already knows the answer.

A wave of unease washes over me, feeling caught off guard. Before I can gather my thoughts, Arthur reassures me, "Relax, I'm not here to report you," raising his hands in a conciliatory gesture.

Still wary, I inquire, "So why are you here?"

"I'm offering my assistance," he replies matter-of-factly. "Clearly, you could use some help."

I bristle at his implication of my inadequacy but suppress the retort that rises to my lips. "Why?" I question, suspicion coloring my tone. "What's in it for you?"

Arthur's expression shifts subtly, hinting at motives beneath the surface. "Some things are best left unsaid," he replies cryptically, leaving me both intrigued and frustrated. "But let's just say our interests align."

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