Heart to hand

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Lloyd's POV:

As me and Brad were walking around the park I realized I left that piece of paper the barista phone number. Which was odd because I had it on the table but it vanished.

"Lloyd you good?" Brad commented. I looked over to him and stayed silent for a moment before responding "yeah I'm okay don't worry."

"I am not worrying." He said in a sarcastic tone. I punched him in the arm in a play full of manner. We kept talking which almost led us to hold hands one time on accident, of course it wasn't accidental I did want to hold hands with him.

"It's getting dark and my friends said I had to be home by 10 before they go savage." I said. Brad looked over and said "you're joking right?" I stayed silent.

"Oh my god you're not joking.
"Well i could take you home if you want?" Brad asked.

"Yeah sure I'll like that." I smiled at him. We walked to take a taxi because it was a long drive to the monastery but I walked here cause I was use to it. I don't know about Brad so we just took an taki.

Once we walked up the steps to the monastery I faced Brad and I finally did something that I probably had no control over.

"Thanks everything today." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek which left him flabbergasted. I had my hand over his chest near his heart and I felt his heart beating faster. I smiled in embarrassment and ran inside hoping no one saw that.

"Y-yeah no problem.." Brad said as I saw him leave. I was always give kisses on the cheeks but I never gave one so this is a first time.

The monastery was quiet but i didn't mind, I just didn't want anyone asking why I'm hot like a tomato. I walked over to the living room and yet no one is there which was a surprise because either Kai or Jay are playing a game.

Soon the door to the secret entrance opened and walked out Pixal. "Oh Lloyd you're here.. uhh I need to ask you something." She spoke. "Yeah sure what's up Pixal?" I said.

"Do you like that boy you kissed earlier?" Her question left me flabbergasted. "I-I don't.. what!"
"I don't.. uhh maybe a little.."
"Are you gonna tell the others or something..?" I asked.

"Lloyd nothing is wrong in liking someone no matter the gender. When you need help wondering if you do like him, you can ask me I'll always be here for you." Her words gave me a little bit of confidence.

"Thank you Pixal. I smiled at her before heading to my room. Once I entered and jumped onto my bed and screamed onto my pillow because I kissed a boy.

Me! The legendary green ninja just kissed a boy! So many emotions were running in me when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled.

My door opened and came in Nya which she then closed it and sat beside me. "Tell me all about your date!" She said. "Wait you knew?!?" I replied

"We'll I know one of the baristas over there and he saw you and a guy talking which I want to know what happened so spill!" She said in excitement.

"Well nothing much we were just catching up with each other and we talked then we headed to the park and talked more so he dropped me at the monastery and I..." I stopped for a minute.

"And then what?? What happened?" She said in a curious tone. "Well I gave him a... kiss.. on the cheek before running inside.." I stated. Nya had her mouth dropped and screamed. "Omg!! My baby brother finally found love awww!!" She then squeezed me very tight.

"Nya!!" I groaned. "Sorry it's just! I'm just happy for you!!" She squealed. "Well we haven't made it official yet but I do kind of like him" I said.

"I'm so happy for you Lloyd!" "But if he breaks your heart I'll break his legs." Nya advised. "Oh? Umm okay! But please don't tell Kai I'm pretty sure he's still not over the Harumi thing yet so let's just keep this between us please.." I said.

Nya nodded and gave me kiss on my forehead and left my room. Then I continued to scream into my pillow from embarrassment. I still don't know how Brad feels. Maybe he's grossed out and doesn't want to be my friend anymore? Maybe he doesn't like me back?

Questions went through my mind once more and of course it's about the same boy. The same boy who out fire ants on my pillow which landed me into the infirmary, but then again he apologized for it and we became friends quickly.

I don't know what I should so tomorrow but I think I should head back to the flower shop and try to explain myself or something. Then I started to feel sleepy to I then fell asleep quickly in my cloths still.

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