Ⅲ. Revelations and Resolutions

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Hadrian decided that he would not contact his parents yet, as he was still unsure how to approaches them and so he decided that he will first build a foundation for himself. He had a lot to learn so he begun there, his plan was to become a potion creator, so he is able to open The Black Tavern as and potion shop.

He decided to buy a small cottage in the area of the Slytherin castle. 

Arriving at the cottage he is greeted, by a small cozy looking cottage covered in overgrown plants, made out of wood and stone. A soft smile grazes his lips as he thinks of living here. He uses a wordless Wingardium Leviosa to levitate his trunk to the cottage, opening the fence with his wordless magic.

Hadrian stepped into the small, cozy cottage, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. The interior was warm and inviting, with a crackling fire in the hearth and sunlight streaming in through the windows. The gentle aroma of herbs and potions hung in the air, mingling with the scent of pine and earth.

As he took in his new surroundings, a soft voice caught his attention. "Welcome, Master Slytherin," the voice said, and Hadrian turned to see a small house elf standing before him.

The house elf, named Tiks, bowed deeply, his large eyes blinking up at Hadrian with a mix of curiosity and deference. "Tiks is pleased to make your acquaintance, Master Slytherin. Tiks is here to serve you and assist in any way possible."

Hadrian smiled warmly at the house elf, feeling a surge of gratitude for his presence. "Thank you, Tiks. I appreciate your help," he said, his voice gentle and kind.

Tiks nodded eagerly, his long ears twitching with excitement. "Tiks is at your service, Master Slytherin. May Tiks assist with unpacking your belongings and preparing a meal for you?"

Hadrian nodded gratefully, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders at the prospect of having assistance in his new home. "That would be wonderful, Tiks. Thank you," he said, watching as the house elf bustled about, tidying up and preparing a simple meal for him.

While Tiks is busy Hadrian sits down to think, this whole day has been full of surprise. First of he was not the person he has been raised to believe he is, his parents are still alive or at least one of them is, he is mates with 'The Draco Malfoy' he has been stolen from, abused, used and all kind of hypocritical things, yet he knew nothing of it.

Nevertheless, Hadrian knew he had to think rationally here if he wants to break free from Dumbledore, the man had carefully laid down plans if he was able to come this far. Hadrian knows that his memories had been tampered with, he also had been consuming unknow potions since he arrived at Hogwarts.

Furthermore, he had Compulutions, obliviates and all kind of controlling spell on him that he knows he needs to get rid of, so he has decided to get rid of them all with rituals, however, to do so he needs to know which ritual to use so for now it was study time and laying low.

He wouldn't want Dumbels to catch up that he had disappeared and use any of the spell that were still on him to control him once more. "Here, you are, Master Slytherin." Tiks exclaimed, handing a plate with food to Hadrian.

As Hadrian savored the hearty meal prepared by Tiks, he felt a growing determination to take charge of his life and uncover the truth behind the lies he had been fed. He knew he needed to study diligently and arm himself with knowledge to break free from Dumbledore's schemes.

"Tiks," Hadrian said, his voice laced with curiosity, "can you tell me more about this cottage and its history? It feels like it has a deep connection to the Slytherin legacy."

Tiks nodded eagerly, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "Master Slytherin, this cottage has been in the Slytherin family for generations. It was once a retreat for the great Salazar Slytherin himself when he sought solitude and inspiration for his work on potions and magical innovations."

Hadrian listened intently, absorbing every detail as Tiks continued, "The cottage has been a sanctuary for many Slytherin descendants over the centuries. It's rumored that the plants growing around the cottage possess unique magical properties, perfect for potion-making."

Intrigued by this revelation, Hadrian felt a renewed sense of purpose. "Tiks, we must start tending to these plants and restoring them to their former glory," he declared, a spark of determination in his eyes.

"Yes, master, Slytherin, I will start tending to them." Tiks exclaimed, while Hadrin finised his food. "Tiks, I will be exploring the cottage for a while, call me if it is urgent." Hadrian clarified. "Yes, Master Slytherin." Tiks replied.

Hadrian stood up from the table, his mind buzzing with anticipation as he prepared to explore the cottage. The cottage seemed to welcome his presence, as if it had been waiting for a Slytherin heir to return and unlock its secrets.

As he wandered through the hallways, Hadrian couldn't help but feel a connection to the generations of Slytherins who had walked these very halls before him. The walls whispered stories of their triumphs and trials, offering guidance and encouragement in the silent language of the past.

Eventually, Hadrian stumbled upon a hidden door that blended seamlessly into the wooden paneling of the wall. His pulse quickened as he realized he had discovered the entrance to the cottage's library, a treasure trove of knowledge passed down through the Slytherin bloodline.

With a wave of his wand, the door swung open, revealing a vast chamber lined with bookshelves that stretched high into the shadows above. The air was thick with the scent of aged parchment and ancient wisdom, and Hadrian felt an overwhelming sense of awe at the wealth of knowledge before him.

He stepped inside, his footsteps echoing softly on the stone floor as he made his way to the nearest bookshelf. Running his fingers along the spines of the tomes, he marveled at the diverse subjects covered within these sacred texts: Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, and more. Each book seemed to hold a piece of the puzzle that was his heritage, waiting to be unlocked by his inquisitive mind.

As he continued to peruse the library's contents, a particularly old and worn-looking potion book caught his eye. It was bound in rich green leather, the color of Slytherin House, with intricate silver patterns etched into its surface. Hadrian reached out to retrieve the book, but as his fingers brushed against the spine, it suddenly slipped from the shelf, falling to the ground with a dull thud.

Startled by the unexpected movement, Hadrian cautiously bent down to pick up the fallen tome. As he did so, a small piece of parchment fluttered out from between the pages, drifting gently to the floor. Intrigued, Hadrian set the book aside and picked up the parchment, unfolding it to reveal a handwritten note in a familiar script.

The note was written in the unmistakable hand of Salazar Slytherin himself, detailing a powerful potion recipe that could provide protection against the most insidious forms of magical control. Hadrian's heart raced as he read the words, realizing that fate had guided him to this very moment.

To be contineud...

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