Cats Meet

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It was a nice day at the hotel, Charlie Called the group for an announcement, Vaggie was holding a box with holes in them Angel was laying across Husk and playing with Cursed Cat Alastor as Lucifer was behind the couch looking at the cat in disgust as Alastor walked in and Cursed Cat Alastor ran off Angel and up on to Alastor's head and just laid there "Ok, so now that everyone is here, I have announcement to make" The Young Kid said cheerfully as she grabbed the box out of her Lovers hands "We bought another cat! This one's for you Dad, a gift for helping me so much" Charlie said opening the box as a white cat with black paws, red circled cheeks and the eyes being completely a light yellow with the iris being red and as he had a small black bowtie, Lucifer went up to the cat and started holding it "Aww, Thanks Char-Char, he's adorable, I'll call him Luci" Lucifer said happily holding the animal with care as he started to purr as Lucifer giggled "Toots don't we already got enough animals?" Angel said pointing at Cursed Cat Alastor, kee kee, Dazzle, and fat nuggets "I mean I'm animal lover for sure but don't you think we have to many?" The honey Spider asked.

"Oh course, but it's nice to have them around" The kid said happily
(Bro I have writes block so I just keep coming up with new books😭)
A time Skip to a few minutes later
Lucifer soon put down food for Luci, and Cursed Cat Alastor as he Left the room
We going in the cats POV now:
Cursed Cat Alastor's Pov:

I find it really odd now that there's another cat here he doesn't even look fashionable as just hissed at him and ete my food but the damn thing kept rubbing his head against my neck but I just hit him with my paw and hissed he seemed scared now and ate his food, I didn't really like him so far and I doubt I'll like him later on.

I soon see Alastor walk by as I quickly stop eating and go up to Alastor and I rub my head against his leg as he picks me up and puts me on his head as the other cat did the same, I really need to memorize his name "Hmm, Luci I think you should go back to your bitch" Alastor said annoyed at the other cat, I was glad he didn't take him with us
He took him with us, I just try to keep my distance from,"Luci" was his name, whatever, we soon made it to cannibal town, our favorite place, we enter the shop and see Rosie as I get down and rub my head against her leg as she scratched me behind my ear as I began to purr"Hey Al, Alastor you didn't tell me you had another cat" Rosie said as she stopped and I fell on on the floor and immediately got up as i look up at her and as she's.... looking at Luci great, I usually don't fight for attention but if it was from Mama Rosie then of course I'm throwing...paws? Cures this small body "Oh he isn't mine, he's Lucifers" Alastor replied "Oh, Lucifers? You mean The king Lucifer, the one you lik-" Rosie got shush by Alastor as he looked at me and Luci, damn he already knew to much "Rosie, dear please don't say it out loud" Alastor said embarrassed, surprisingly I rarely see my owner embarrassed or show emotion unless near Rosie, and Me but barely embarrassment.

I soon felt myself purring again put it wasn't from petting or scratches it was Luci he was also purring while rubbing his head under my neck, this time I let it happen since I already started purring an it did feel ok.

Like I said I have writers block so sorry for the short chapter like really short compared to my first Raidoapple book, anyway

Bye My Beautiful Strawberryypimps<3

So Bitter//Raidoapple//Cursed Cat AlastorXCursed Lucifer Where stories live. Discover now