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Luci's Pov:

I was having a good time at the hotel, luckily off me another cat was there, funny he's named after his owner, but they call him Al for short, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me but he'll come around, I was just walking around hell with Alastor and Cursed Cat Alastor, ot Al for short, as we bumped into this TV Guy and Alastor looked annoyed, and Al just hissed at him as The TV guy started speaking, Al got tapped his back form Alastor's cane as Al backed up slightly and attacked The TV guy, named...Box? Vox?... something like that, as Alastor just continued walking as Al attacked him, we were already far away form him as i saw Al coke back happily, he sure something else, "My! Why aren't you a good cat!" Alastor said in a surprisingly happy and cheery tone how could he be happy Al literally just attacked him, these two are so weird.

Cursed Cat Alastor's POV:

We soon made it back to the hotel, Charlie was looking at a paper with Vaggie and Lucifer probably making one of those weird activities they do every morning or Afternoon depending if they have time, I just went to the stairs passing by KeeKee as she rubbed her head on me and I did the same as we went on with our day and i soon herd her hiss as i looked over to see. Luci, that idiot I went up to both of them and somewhat explained why he was here(I am not about to right cat's talking) as she just continued on with her day, as Luci followed me as I hissed at him, why in hell was he following me?! He backed away slowly as I continued walking to Alastor's room to sleep, as Luci kept following me, I just ignored him and made it to Alastor's room as j laid in my bed and Luci joined me and I just pushed him off as kept trying to sleep next to at this point I just let him.

There was no point in fighting it if he wouldn't leave me alone, I just started purring again when he started rubbing his head in the nook of my neck, gosh we just met each other, how does he just show affection like that so easily and not nervous or angry at a new cat at all? Whatever, j just let him do his own thing as I try to ignore it and fall asleep.

I just realized how this is probably gonna be more easy to write then Forbidden😭, welp this the end short chapter again 😭 sadly anyways
Bye My StrawberryyPimps!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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