part 1

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With the wind blowing old falling leaves across the yard of the helson house. JJ stands there thinking to himself, "Why am I doing this?" He was invited by his friend Mike to do an overnight test of courage there. The helson House is a old run down family home that's been abandoned for years back when he was a kid. Back then, the family who lived here seemed like happy family. A father, mother, and two young girls. No one knows what happened, but one morning, a neighbor came over to babysit as she always had. But when she got there the door was unlocked. No one would answer her call outs. She walked all over the house, and to her saprise, no one was home. They vanished without a trace. All their belongings were still there and so was the family car. Everyone thought it was kidnapping or human traffickers. Till this day, no one knows what happened to the helsons. Knowing this, JJ hesitates to walk any further. Unfortunately, Mike walks out from behind him, slaping his back, encouraging him to hurry up. "You sure we should be doing this?" JJ says nervously. Mike encourages him placing his hands on his shoulders. "Bro, ya gotta loosen up." Mike knows how scard JJ can be. As JJ is a shut-in gamer, reading books, and even magic tricks. He is what Mike calls him, a dork. Wrapping is arm around his shoulder, all buddy buddy, Mike walks and talks him into right up to the front porch. "Here we are home, sweet home!" Kickeing in the door, as Mike says. With one glance around into the entrance of the home. JJ looks up to Mike, who is much taller than he. "I hat you sometimes you know?" Smiling Mike pushes JJ in,"but boo boo, it's our honeymoon." And tries to do a sweet Innocent face and pose. JJ can't help but try not to smile and laugh. "Yeaaaah ima die here." Says under his breath. Walking around the main living room area that leeds right to front entrance. They can see what was once a sweet home. Now its all run down with no furniture dirt and dust everywhere where it's never been clean since the day they border up the house. FYI, Mike was the one to thank for the easy access. "Muscle freek," JJ thinks of him. Dropping their bags in the living room cleaning space for sleeping bags they'll be using later tonight. If they even get through the night. "Who's ready for the tour!?" Mike says energetically. "Pluse, as my best friend, I got ya a nice little saprise for ya, that I'm sure you'll very much love." Knwoing him, he's going to try scare crap out of me, JJ thinks to himself. "What kinda saprise would that be? Mr. I'm all muscles but can't beat me at super smash bros for 2 years." JJ always reminds him how he always loses to JJ no matter what he does. He even lost after unplugging his controller and still lost to JJ. After all the braging, they start exploring the house. It's two stories with a basement. Which JJ refuses to go to no matter what. After exploring the downstairs kitchen, it had an old oven and a fridge, which was not cleaned all the way. Had old half drunken milk that looks like soled mold inside, and a pot that smells like it had something that's not alive anymore. A bathroom that looks people have used even after this place was abandoned. Not excited about it , but we might have to use it, they say to etchother. THUD! They both jump and quickly look to the ceiling. "The hell was that?" JJ says. "Probably a cat or raccoon?" Mike shrugs his shoulders. Mike walks out of the bathroom and walks towards the steps. "You're not really going up there, are you?" JJ says, trying stop Mike going from going upstairs. "Psh bro, I handle bull dogs and snakes all the time at home. A small raccoon or whatever is not going to hurt me." And proceededs to go up the stairs. JJ stands there looking back and forth from the living room, and the unfazed muscle brain running upstairs. "Hurry my prince! Come hither!" Mike says like he's a damsel. "If I die from rabies, I'll never forgive you!" JJ replays as he walks up the steps. Finly catching up to Mike, JJ walks slowly behind him. THUD, agine they hear. Coming from the first room to the right. Both them walking carefully and with JJ behind Mike. The closer they got , the more radling they here coming from the room. Looking into the room, you see an old bed with a nightstand, which are both dusty. Most likely one of the little girls' rooms who went missing. The room across the hall was the other, it seemed. Each step they took the old ruled floorboards creaked. Making both them stop for a second, but continue to walk slowly into the room. It seems empty. THUD! once agine, they hear the thud sound, but coming from the closet. Then you hear nothing but the wind blowing outside and the sound of each others breathing. Mike walks towards the door, acting like he's going to open it, but then stops. Looking towards JJ, he points to a broken pice of wood that's fallen from the ceiling at some point. It takes JJ a second but knows what he means. He picks up the wood and tip toes to Mike. Handing him the wood Mike holds the wood like a bat. Points to JJ and then to the doorknob. He wants me to open it. So Mike walks behind JJ, readying his wooden weapon. In the hands or someone like JJ, it wouldn't do much damage. In the hands of someone like Mike, he can bring down the walls of this house. Maybe even go up against a Terminator. As JJ grabs the doorknob, his hands sweating, and his heart in his throat, he grips the knobe tight. Looking back at Mike, Mike nods to JJ. He breathes in slowly, closes his eyes, and then here's Mike say. NOW!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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