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Masato and Rei both sat down by the elder duo as the four males found places to sit around the two couples. It was Rei who had began talking about how they found out about them being soul mates. "As you guys should have known my birthday wasn't that long ago, I was given the box that had the plush doll of Masato at three in the afternoon. I had first looked at the letter that came with the plush."

"Do you remember what it said sis?" Ren asked curiously

She nodded her head. "As you are aware Ren I have perfect memory of everything, so of course I know what it said."

"What did it say so we know what we're getting ourselves into in the future?" Akio asked curiously

"Dear miss Harawa Rei, Happy twenty-first birthday, today you start your journey to find your soul mate. All soul mates are randomized and you cannot ask to get a different one once you've touched the doll. The rules to find your soul mate are simple, you are to keep the doll with you at all times. Now that you are of age there will be eyes on you to make sure you keep the doll with you. If you do not have the doll with you, you will be jailed for going against the government system put into place. You may only get out of jail if your soul mate gets you out of jail and answers three questions about you honestly and correct. That is if they gave had a connection to you, if not you will be instantly killed and your soul mate will go to someone else. So be wise about keeping your soul mates doll with you at  all times. Also starting now you must keep an eye out for your soul mate, once you two have met the only way he'll stop feeling what you do to the doll will be to have consent from you to hold the doll. So be far warned. Enjoy your birthday and soul mate" 

Masato was quiet the entire time she spoke, her brothers all stared stunned. 

"Wait a moment, so you're saying that if the female that gets us they have to always have the plush of us with them otherwise they'll die?" Akio asked shocked

"Yep, even now while I'm with him, I still keep the plush with me." Rei said as she took the plush out of her small bag. "Even though he has touched this with my consent I keep it in case I get mental spikes."

"So when did you two meet one another?"Haruki asked

"The day after my birthday, I didn't know he was even in the recording studio that I worked with. I was finishing up working for the day when he had came into the room. He and I introduced ourselves to one another and that's when he found out that I was his soul mate." Rei stated with a shrug

Masato held her hand tightly before he spoke up. "I was stunned to find out that she had been chosen to be my soul mate, especially since the day previously was her birthday and she had chosen to move one of it's arms while I was on a TV broad cast. I didn't want her to end up rushing off on me so I locked her and I in the recording booth she had been in so we could talk."

Rei averted her eyes as she let out a sigh. "I will admit that I had been expecting him to reject me as his soul mate. He's an idol and I'm a mere voice actor. We are on two different levels. So I was more than a bit hostile and on the fence about the whole situation."

Masato held her hand tightly while she spoke before he spoke up after her. "She had told me the jest of what she had just told the lot of you, only to afterwards to hold the plush out towards me for me to touch. When I touched the plush I couldn't feel her touch on the plush any longer."

The four males stiffened hearing Masato speak. "So wait-hold up here you two. So you two are soul mated to be together but you've already touched the plush not even a day after meeting her? Isn't that bad that it happened?" Akio asked

"Some may see it that way, the way that I see it, if I end up smothering the plush it won't affect him. He won't feel what happens to the plush." Reina stated sadly "He's an idol...he can't be affected by the soul mate system like that. I respect him too much to let that happen."

Masato was confused on why she wasn't saying anything about him not believing in the soul mate system. Was she trying to keep it from her family?

Ren and Akio could tell that there was something she was holding back and Ren leaned forward with his hands together. "Sis what are you hiding from us?"

Rei averted her eyes "It shouldn't matter...don't worry about it alright?"

"You know that's bull shit, tell us before we continue to pry until you do." Akio stated seriously

Rei took a deep breath and looked at her four brothers. "There's a chance who you will be getting boys won't believe in the system...just like Masato didn't. I'm aware that you four were in the hospital when I was, which that all on it's own was rather odd. But the reason it took me so long to get up from my coma was because of the lack of compassion and connection between Masato and I."

Masato tilted his head to the side looking to them. "Why were you four at the hospital trying to act like her soul mate for?"

"We weren't trying to be as her soul mate, we told that stupid secretary we were her brothers and we couldn't meet up with her." Haruki said sadly

"And we knew about where she was because of a tracker app on her phone that Ren had installed on it before she left for Saotome academy." Aoki stated with his arms crossed

"So this entire time you four knew where I've lived and none of you  thought to even write to me or hell visit me? I might not have had the greatest relationship with the four of you but the four of you are still my idiot brothers." Rei said shaking her head with a sigh

"We honestly didn't think you'd want to see us after all the shit we did to you as a child and teen." Akio said rubbing the back of his neck

"What the hell have you idiots done to your precious sister?" Their father asked unamused

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